Chapter 11

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Reich mumbled angrily.

With all this new medicine stuff he's been forced to take his hunger meter has basically doubled in size. He was almost always hungry.

So much so, Germany has found a new hiding place for his snacks.

Reich glared at the living room from the kitchen. Germany was in there doing who knows what.

The German angering shut the cabinet door and rolled over to the fridge.

Reich was surprised at how well advances everything had become. As everything seemed to run much smoother than they used to. But that wasn't important now. Now he needed food.

He ended up settling on some eggs as he couldn't reach half of the stuff in the refrigerator.

The German threw a pan on the stove, that was from the dishwasher, and did his best to copy what his son did for most of their meals.

He assumed he had figured it out when the stove began to feel hot. So Reich put his eggs the pan and waited patiently, holding a spatula in his hand.

Not a second later another country walked straight into the kitchen.

Reich glanced at the other, and looked back at his eggs.

'Wait... who-'

Reich quickly looked back at the kitchen's entrance to see a Poland standing there, looking right back at him wide-eyed.

Reich stared looked at the other completely confused. What was he doing here-

Without another second the polish country immediately speed walked right out of the kitchen.

Reich looked at where the other was standing before turning back to his eggs. The German sat there bamboozled. He rubbed his eye and looked back at the entrance to the kitchen, but nothing had changed.

Another minute passed and Germany was suddenly standing at the kitchen door this time.

Reich watched him as he looked panic and nervous.

"V-Vater what are you doing here?"
Reich stared at him and pointed to the eggs with his spatula.

Germany stared at him dumbfounded, "I thought you where upstairs." Reich looked at him even more confused. 'Boi- I'm still learning how to walk, how could I-'

"Vater, please just tell me when you are hungry next time." The younger German was suddenly next to Reich and quickly took his spatula. Reich watched as he suddenly starting pushing random buttons on the stove. He didn't understand why his son was changing things.. wasn't he just doing the same thing?

Reich looked back at the kitchen door and spotted Poland looking in. The other country quickly hid again once he saw the German looking at him.

Reich grumbled and crossed his arms, looking angrily at Germany. His son didn't notice as he was too busy cooking the eggs.

After a couple of minutes Reich was tired of waiting for the other to notice him and tugged on the other's shirt.

Germany finally looked at him, and Reich pointed at the door. Germany glanced over at the anxious polish country and looked back at Reich.
"He's just here to discuss some business things."

Reich squinted at the country, that was half of the truth for sure. So Reich kept on glaring at him until Germany eventually gave in. "Okay, we are discussing stuff for a meeting," Reich nodded, glad that he got a real answer, "-that we will be having here tomorrow."

Reich jaw nearly dropped- what.

Poland looked like he wanted to say something but stayed in his 'safe zone'.
"Uh- yeah.. we are planning it out today since we don't really want it to be a 'meeting meeting'. We kinda want it to be more chill- I mean, like, just a place to hangout."

The old German had no words as he continued to stare at his son as if he had just said they where going to the moon. Like that was even possible-

But besides that Reich didn't want to meet anybody. He was fine being cooped up in this house with the backyard.

He didn't want any countries to see his crippled self. He looks horrible still despite Germany's efforts to help him.

What would he even wear? What do people wear now a days? Reich had so many questions, so many things he did not want to happen.

But he was brought back to reality when Germany suddenly handed him a plate of eggs. "Me and Poland are going to move to my office. Just so we don't have any uh.." Germany looked at the still petrified country in the hallway. "Any complications.. and so you can have the place to yourself, well, kinda."

Germany quickly sped off to help the other country. Reich watched him, but he still felt angry and he wasn't exactly sure why.

The German sat at the dinner table stabbing his eggs madly. He was still hungry but his appetite had dropped as his dumb feelings where showing. Stupid stupid feelings, Reich thought as he numbed on his eggs.

A good amount of time pasted and Reich was sure the other countries had found another place to work.

Reich sighed. Sitting here like this was getting him no where. And he didn't want to be downstairs anymore, he wanted to be as far away from people as he could be.

The German put his plate in the sink and rolled off to the stairs. He glared at the tall mountain of steps.

How was he going to do this?

Reich thought, he could crawl up them. But that would be weird and he did not want to be caught looking like that.

Reich glanced over and looked at the hallway that led to Germany's office. He grumbled. He was going to have to crawl up the stairs huh?

About fifteen minutes later Reich was sitting on the stairs completely out of breath. He was only half way by now.

When did going up stairs become so damn difficult?

Reich sighed and looked up at the top of the stairs and looked back down to the bottom. He stared at his wheelchair.

The Germany almost laughed. Goodness he was such an idiot.

What was he going to do once he reached the top of the stairs? Crawl his way to his room?

He usually had Germany to help him but once again he was all alone.

Reich hit his head onto the stairs. Why did he have to be such an idiot? Always believing he could do things that he couldn't.

A wasteful mush that was taking away other creature's oxygen.

Reich sat there. Too tired to move anymore. He held himself tightly, maybe this was a good place to stay.

Besides, he didn't want to create any more problems than he already had.


Is that Poland? Willingly at the German's house? How strange..

Thank you for reading.


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