Chapter 16

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A gun laid innocently on the floor.

What in the world was a gun doing here?

Reich backed away frantically, unsure of what he should do.

He defiantly didn't want to tell Japan about this, he'd rather tell Germany and have him remove it, but he wasn't here.

Should he even tell Germany about it?

It took him a minute but he came back to his senses eventually, why was he freaking out so much about this? He was the Third Reich! He can handle a little hand gun.

The German stared at it for a moment before contemplating what he should do.

His eyes lit up slightly as he realized what he would do, he would simple do nothing.

Wait, no-

No, that wouldn't work.. perhaps he could just put it back? Yes, he nodded, that would be the best option.

Reich moved over to the object and stared at it. He was unsure what to move it with, so he looked around a bit before eventually deciding he would just use a hanger.

He tried to move the gun with it, but not much progress was being made. He kept on trying, but nothing was happening.

Eventually Reich got frustrated and threw the hanger out. He picked up the stupid thing.

He stared at it, the familiar feeling almost calming him. It had been a long time since be had held one of these.

He paused as he stared at it, he needed to put it back, but a part of him didn't want to. A part of him wanted to keep it, it was the only thing that truly felt the same.

He twisted the gun in his hand, looking for a name, but he couldn't find one. There was nothing indicating where the gun had been made, or what it was called. But he was sure the name didn't mattered, he didn't recognize the model anyways.

The gun was on safety, perhaps it was waiting for him to find it, perhaps Germany just left it here.

He clicked the side of it, revealing its bullets, five of them. Five bullets shined at him, he noticed one was missing, but he didn't think about it too much.

He clicked the gun back into place, and held it with both of his hands.

The back of his mind was calling to him, telling him to put it back. But he didn't want to, he wanted to keep it on him, for protection of course.

Just like he used to do.

But he doesn't need protection anymore.

He wants to die.

Reich paused and looked down at the small thing.

He wants to die.

His mind felt cluttered and cloudy. It raced with thoughts. If he could end it, wouldn't he? It's not like he's enjoying his time here.

He doesn't want to be here. He was supposed to kill himself decades ago! But he missed? He forgot?

Reich's mind buzzed, he glanced at the door, was someone there? Or was his mind playing tricks on him.

Could it be death? No, that would be silly, right? But wouldn't the devil want to drag his soul to hell.

Isn't that what he did?

Wouldn't he be mad that did didn't have the German's soul sooner?

Reich moved the item in his hand, he didn't remember turning the safety off. He stared at the muzzle of the gun, but it had no eyes to look back at him.

But what about Germany?

Reich paused and sighed. What about Germany?

He finally had something to bring himself out of his dangerous mind, but how long would it last?

Because Germany didn't need him.

He never needed him. Now he was the child and his son was the adult.

He was the one who was always in need of attention and constant supervision. Isn't that how he got where he was now? Because he wasn't being watched, he wasn't being supervised.

The German jumped, and quickly looked towards the door, a bang? From him? From the hallway?

Was there even a bang?

The German stared at the door, and slowly lifted the gun towards it.

A familiar scene was playing in his head.

He's seen this before.

He's been here before.

This almost felt correct. He had seen this show before.

He could feel himself back in his office, back in his uniform, with a black hat on his head.

He remembers this, this familiar feeling, could this been what he had been longing for?

The sweet idea of returning back to this scene. To go back all those years to fix a mistake he had created. A mistake he didn't want but could of fixed.

The screaming and yelling from his door. The banging as it was being forced off of its hinges.

He has the chance to do it.

He has the change to end it all like before.

He doesn't have to shoot at the door this time.

The German could also feel himself shake, as his back hit something, what he would presume to be his desk.

The photos on the walls jumped as the building shook, as hundred of men forced there way in.

This was what he remembered, he could do it this time.

He could finally end it this time.

Reich listened to the screams, what almost sounded like crying. Could that be Germany? But Germany was never there.

But before he could grasp a hold of his situation, he was suddenly grabbed, he looked up to see a familiar Russian looking at him. Holding the gun tightly in his hand.

Reich felt himself freeze, everything seemed to freeze.

He stared at the Russian face, he remembered the anger, the hatred every eye held for him.

But his face held none of that this time.

It was almost empty, expressionless even.

The Russian stared at him, without a hint of life in his face.

Had his memory been playing him wrong? What was different now than before.

He looked towards his hands that held the gun, he watched as the Russian almost took it from him, he listened carefully as the weapon shifted.


Don't let him take it.

Reich stared at the man, who never broke eye contact with him.

But he couldn't.

He felt the world crumble as the gun was removed from his hands.

He watched silently as the Russian pulled away from him, taking his gun with him.

The German blinked and watched the Russian fade away, back into his memory.

He glanced around the room, the stupid room he was now imprisoned in.

He looked down at his cloths, which where no where near the great uniform he had been wearing.

The gun in his hands wasn't the same gun he was holding, but he could still feel the Russian's fingerprints on them.

He gripped it angrily, yet a small sense of hopelessness hit him.

When would he be freed?

When would death finally take him?

Did you know I like to draw flowers?
I bet you didn't!

Thank you for reading.


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