Chapter 20

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The German found himself mopping around his room.

He was all alone upstairs.

Germany had said something about needing to catch up on work and told him not to do anything stupid.

The German stood, looking out of his window, he couldn't open the thing, he had already tried that.

It reminded him of the old times, when they used to put bars on the windows to keep him in. But this time they just changed the way the bars looks.

Reich eventually left the cloudy sight of the outdoors and looked at the pile of junk on his desk.

It was covered in the 'gifts' he had received and they where in a desperate need of organization.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it, he wasn't sure why. He liked his space clean and for his things to be organized, but this, he just couldn't get himself to do it.

He hadn't used much of what he had gotten. He just felt so sluggish, so meh.

He had been reading the history book though. He knew would get many things wrong when it came to the world wars, but he didn't think they would be that wrong.

He had stopped reading it right around the end of the Second World War. As once again, he couldn't find the motivation to go anymore.

He did skip ahead a little bit, but nothing over the 60s.

He almost felt empty? Like he didn't have anything, it was almost like he was this little roach that was crawling across Europe, bringing terror everywhere he went.

Everyone seemed to have accomplished something since he's been gone. So many wonderful things had happened since he was shut away. They all had something.

'But I don't have anything.'

Reich looked down at his red hands. The sickly color was still there. Would they ever return to their natural color?

What would happen if they did? What would happen if they where back to a bright red? But they weren't. They where still sick, he was still sick.

But if they did return to their natural color, what would happen? Would he seek vengeance and blood again? Would blood return him to his old colors? Would he become a monster again?

But he wasn't the monster.

Was he?

Reich looked up at himself, his reflection stared back at him through the mirror. A mirror he had been quite scared to face.

Reich stared at his reflection. He hated it. The red murky skin, the long wavy hair, the creases, the shape, the revolting flag on his face.

Everything was disgusting.

How could people still look at him?

He could see the scissors, he wondered who was foolish enough to leave them here. Yet he didn't have a need to harm himself, just to change something.

He cut.
And cut.
And cut.

It was short again, the curls had bounced together almost around chin length. Reich cut shorter, and shorter and shorter. Adding snips here and there.

He felt better, relieved almost.

Almost like his old self.

But his hair was still different. It was strange. It was no longer the red he knew. It made him upset. Maybe Germany could help him with that...

But he would not be a useless bother. No one liked a useless bother.

He had been asking for too much, receiving too much, and was not doing anything to pay him back.

He would have to fix this problem another time. By himself. Surely these modern times had new solutions to these types of problems. So he left.

Leaving the hairy mess to be found.

Germany grumped at the mess his father had left in the bathroom. They could of donated that hair or something-

But that was his father's decision. His short hair did surprise him, he wasn't expecting that.

Yet he was expecting the doctor's notice he had received, it had been a while since he had seen one. And unsurprisingly, they had a check up to go to.

Germany grumbled, he was determined to help his father become a functioning adult. Not only to move him out of his house, but to prove the other countries wrong. Hopefully.

But he was very far away from doing that. Very.

He needed to change his paste, he needed to do something different.

He sighed and looked out the small window, his father doing something out in the backyard now, in his chair of course.

Only time would tell if he would succeeded.

But he knew that something just didn't feel right. Maybe it was him, maybe it was father, he wasn't sure.

Germany glanced at his phone, which was on the bathroom counter, as he held a broom in his hands. Poland was calling him. Germany's curiosity immediately peeked, but he let it ring, he needed some time to think.

And perhaps he needed to do it alone.

The day went on swiftly, neither of the Germans talked to each other. One feeling too awkward and the other not wanting to talk.

But eventually they had no choice but to communicate.

"JE and FI will be here soon, I have to go out for work."

Germany was watching the front door, almost like he was waiting for something to happen.

Reich glanced up at his son from the couch. He didn't want anyone here, but frankly he didn't have a choice.

Silence overtook the room, and eventually Germany left.

Reich sat on the couch in silence. He felt like he did something wrong. But his mind was too frazzled to think of what it could be.

Almost ten minutes passed. And suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Germany went to open it and returned with Japan and Italy.

"Konnichiwa Reich!" The neko nearly yelled, Italy stood next to her awkwardly.

Germany left the room again.

The Japanese lady practically ran over to him, Italy slowly followed.

"So what anime sounds the most interesting to you? I got Naruto, JoJo-"

Reich felt his mind space off as he looked out the window.

Germany was already out of the house and heading into his car.

The car pulled out of the driver way in seconds. If the vehicle could move any quicker Reich was sure it would.

He couldn't get himself to listen to Japan or the annoying voices that where now coming from the television.

Why did he feel so numb. He almost felt empty, but he wasn't sure what he was longing for.

Perhaps he could find something else for him to do today, besides being stuck with these idiots.


Hair? Maybe? Idk-



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