Chapter 7

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Eventually the sun was getting closer to setting. Soviet had gotten off track and was speaking about nonsense at this point. He thought it was nice to have someone to listen to him for a while. But Reich wasn't really listening to him, he was admiring the colorful scenery.

He liked being outside.

And thankfully that stupid Russian had finally shut his mouth. Now he could enjoy the sunset quietly.

It was dark when Soviet stood up from the bench. His expression told Reich he was tired and ready to leave. Which made Reich wonder how he was going to get back to Germany. How- he did not think this through.

Reich soon noticed the Russian's stare, and glared back at him. Soviet rolled his eyes.

Reich rolled his eyes back. Soviet glared at him. Reich glared back.

Until Soviet had enough, yelled something in Russian at Reich and started marching away from him.

Reich didn't think much of it, until he realized that was his ride home-

He unlocked his chair and slyly rolled over to Soviet. He didn't want to ask for help, especially from someone like him. But he didn't have many options at the moment.

Soviet heard the German rolling after him, stopped and turned to look at him. Reich glanced at the other before for looking back at the path. Making sure he didn't hit any big rocks or anything.

Eventually the two made eye contact again. They both where silent, Soviet felt like he was dying on the inside. He knew he couldn't leave Reich there as much as he wanted to.

He turned around and continued down the path. Eventually noticing Reich had stopped following him.

He glared at the German who was still at the top of the hill. Soviet cursed silently,

"Hurry up you крыса!"


Reich was relieved when he saw the lights of the parking lot. Climbing down a hill in a wheelchair was much harder than he though it was be. And now he was absolutely exhausted.

The parking lot looked like a place where he would be murdered but he didn't care about that. All he cared about was getting to bed at this point.

Soviet unlocked his car, it was black and mysterious. At least to Reich it was.

Soviet had suggested putting Reich's wheelchair in the trunk of the car. So he waited out in the cold for the Russian to open it.

When Soviet finally pulled the trunk's lid up he paused. Reich and him finally sharing a similar expression. The trunk of the car was filled with hundreds of vodka bottles.

Reich gave him a, 'are you serious?' look. Soviet looked away slightly embarrassed, slightly relieved. He forgot about the wierd things he would leave in here. At least it wasn't a body this time.

They decided to just put Reich's stuff in the back seat. Soviet got in the driver's seat and Reich was in the front seat.

The ride was silent. Soviet did put some Russian music on eventually, but the volume was quite low. Reich didn't bother to see how he was doing this magic, he liked hearing the car over the music anyways. He was fascinated with how smooth everything sounded.

After noticing some of the miniature Soviet Union flags hanging around Reich decided it was time to give into his temptation of sleep.

Sure the Russian could kill him at any moment, but why would he?

It not liked he tried to in the past.

He had all the time in the world to do it.

Reich shook his head, rubbing and almost purposefully hitting it into the seat. He didn't want to think about that. He didn't need to think about that. He wants to forget. He's going to forget. He's pushed things down before, he would just have to do it again.


It took Soviet a while to get to Germany's house. He was tired himself, as midnight was approaching. He used to be able to stay up for nights, but not anymore with his old age. He had noticed that Reich had fallen asleep a while ago.

He was still picking at the pieces, trying to pinpoint what the German's vulnerabilities where. Though he shouldn't want to break the German up even more. He was curious to see what was going on in that chaotic mind of his.

How long until he cracks again?

Soviet returned his eyes to the road, pushing the German softly wake him up. As they where almost at Germany's home. When that didn't work, he flat out punched him in the shoulder. But Reich didn't flutter.

Soviet grumbled and parked his car, they had arrived.

He got out himself, then went to get Reich out. He grabbed Reich and pulled his wheelchair out. It took him a minute to balance himself with everything he was holding, but eventually he did.

He soon walked up to Germany's porch, set the folded chair down and knocked on the door with Reich still in his arms. That dumb German was as light as a feather.

'I wondering if Germany's starving him-'

The door opened. Germany stared at Soviet, surprised to say the least. But more than relieved when he saw that the Russian had Reich.

Germany rambled with questions. Where was he? How did you find him? Is he okay? Are you okay? Thank you thank you thank you-

Soviet shut him up, and brought the German inside. Germany grabbed the chair. There where a couple other countries there. Making Soviet want to leave even move.

After finding a place to put the sleeping Reich, Germany had explained that he had 'lost' his father when they where going to an appointment. More like he ran away but okay.

Soviet didn't care but he still listened. Asking if the young German or anyone had contacted UN or EU. Germany froze and looked down embarrassed. It reminded him of how Reich was acting earlier. But he took that as a no. Which was a problem.

Apart of their whole deal thingy was that whenever Reich appeared to be 'missing' or 'had disappeared', who ever was watching him would need to contact everyone involved immediately.

For safety and precaution. So Germany was supposed to contact everyone. And he didn't... but Soviet didn't have an excuse when Germany asked why he didn't say anything when he had Reich the whole time.

He forgot he had this dumb metal box in his pocket.

So they agreed to keep it under the water.

Germany looked distraught and went back downstairs to get a beer. Some of the other countries joined him.

But Soviet had much better things to do, and a long drive ahead of him.

So he left like he was never there.

But he couldn't focus, not on his way home, or even when he was finally in bed. He couldn't get his mind off of that dumb red German.

Unsure if it was a good or bad thing that he was back. Unsure if he really wanted to talk to him again. Unsure of anything at all.

He ended up staying up most of the night. Finally giving up when he couldn't sleep. The reality that Reich was back was circling him. Like a shark to a small fish.

And he couldn't tell if he wanted to smile seeing his old friend, or shoot him in the face.


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