Chapter 18

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Reich tapped his foot impatiently on the floor. He was waiting for Germany once again.

As the younger German had disappeared early in morning and Reich hadn't seen him since.

He thought they were supposed to do something today, but now he was stuck in his room waiting and wondering if that was true.

Which got boring very quickly.

Reich stared at his bedroom door for almost five minute before deciding he wouldn't wait for Germany anymore. He was independent, he don't need nobody. Nobody at all.

And with that he left his room and went on to explore the upstairs of the house some more. He ran around the place once again, but nothing seemed to catch his attention.

He grumbled shutting the door to a closet he had just been in. There was nothing to do, and he was still very bored.

He huffed and walked over to the stairs, a new enemy to him. He glared at them bitterly, but still, there was no signs of Germany.

Where did he go?

Reich being unsure about the whereabouts of his son, and unsure what to do about it, decided it was time to focus on other things. Like finally concurring the stairs.

He grumbled as he gently put a foot down a step. He couldn't decide if this was harder or easier than going up the stairs, but it was still a challenge.

He nearly slipped when he had gotten halfway. Thankfully he was able to hold onto the railing to save himself from falling down the stairs. But it lowered his self esteem immensely.

Eventually he reached the bottom of the stairs, out of breath and relieved. But still, no other German seemed to be around.

Reich scanned the room, it was strangely quiet, and it felt strangely empty as well.

He ignored the pain in his feet and began walking over to the kitchen, but there was no Germany there.

He huffed and slyly walked over to the fridge. He opened it once he got there, but once again, nothing seemed to interest him.

The fridge was basically empty, milk, eggs, and some energy drinks, but not much else was in there.

Reich noticed another handle above the fridge, so he opened it, and was immediately hit in the face by some cold air.

He shuddered and blinked rabidly as the chilly air made his eyes water.

Once he could see properly again he looked into the frozen box. But once again, there wasn't much in there, except some ice cream bars.

Reich stole one of the ice creams and closed the freezer and the fridge. He numbed on the frozen treat and threw it's wrapper into the trash can.

Though his teeth sparked with pain as he bit into the cold ice, he continued to eat it anyways, eating it through the freezing pain.

He went on to raid the kitchen, but was sadly unsuccessful in finding Germany's new snack drawer.

He was unsatisfied once again, and left the room.

He adventured into the rest of the house. Exploring rooms he had never been in before. Most of them seemed untouched and lifeless as he walked into them. Germany must not use them often.

After his personal tour of the home he found himself in the living room.

He threw away his ice cream stick and sat down on the couch, he felt quite tired now.

So he laid down properly and grabbed one of the blankets from the end of the sofa. He threw it over himself.

Once he felt comfortable and satisfied he snuggled into the soft cushion, letting himself fall into a comfortable sleep.

But he wouldn't be asleep for very long.

Reich grumbled quietly as he felt his shoulder being shook quite quickly.

He was unwilling to get up, he felt so comfortable and was yearning to go back to sleep.

But once again he was shook, and he angrily grumbled at whoever was shaking him.

The German finally opened his eye, prepared to fight off this invader of his precious sleep.

He turned over to see who dared to disturb him but froze as soon as he did. He was staring wide eyed at the one and only Soviet Union.

He began to feel uncomfortable as the other was hovering over him. But thankfully the Russian moved away from him as soon as he seemed awake.

The German stared at the man as he reached his full height, but the multiple voices he could hear where now distracting him.

He looked across the room, finding another country sitting in one of Germany's nice lounge chairs.

The red, white, and blue country was looking at him. His black sunglasses hiding his eyes from the other. He smirked, "Good morning sleepy head."

Thanks for reading :O


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