Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Preparation

The muffled sound of my bare footsteps on the carpeted floor echoed throughout our room. I purposely placed my clasped hand behind my back as I looked closely at the items I'd requested from the servants. The materials were arranged properly at the long table, a grin started to creep on my lips as I nodded in approval.

I never imagined that my life would turn this easy, with everything I'd asked for would be granted so quickly.

I glanced at the nervous servants, they were bowing their heads, uncertain if it was their way of respect or simply a means to avoid meeting my eyes.

Was that fear?

Now that I spent days as a bitten vampire, adjusting to my advanced senses, I could vividly see their movement and feel their emotions. The hurried sound of their heartbeat, the subtle slickness of their sweat as it glided down on their foreheads, the way they gulped, and how their fingers fidgeted in anxiety. Even the clear vision of their veins made me feel as if I was new— powerful and above anyone else.

How could my life turn so different?

I was one of them before, with my bowed head, unsure if my life would be extended for another day. I could clearly remember how my knees trembled, my heartbeat hammered, and how I stuttered my words.

I took a deep sigh and looked at the servants. I never dreamed of receiving this kind of treatment from anyone. I didn't desire to be feared— but rather respected.

I smiled at them.

"You may rise, is this really necessary, Tobias? Hindi ba masakit sa likuran nila?" I asked.

They looked hesitant at first, I even had a hand gesture for them to stand up straight as I widened my eyes. "Come on, it's fine."

Nang lumingon ako ay akala ko'y malayo pa sa akin si Tobias, ngunit biglang tumama ang tungki ng ilong ko sa dibdib niya. "Ouch."

Napahawak ako sa ilong ko at napatingala ako sa kanya. I was confident a while ago that I already had a sharp sense as a bitten vampire, but I didn't even realize that he was an inch closer.

His right brow arched.

"Are you alright?"

He was about to touch me, but I stepped back.

He gave me his usual warm smile. Minsan nakakainis din talaga ang ngiti nitong Tobias, dahil alam kong hindi totoo iyon.

I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled.

I turned my back and faced the servants, but the king didn't even move. Instead, he gently bent his body to peek at me, and he carefully held my chin to meet my gaze. "Are you sure?"

Sa halip na magawa kong sumagot sa kanya napasulyap ako sa mga nakahilerang tagasunod na kanya-kanyang tingin sa iba't ibang direksyon sa inasal na iyon ng kanilang hari. Hindi ba nalalaman nitong si Tobias na hindi lang kami ang nasa silid sa mga oras na ito?

"A-ang clingy mo na," I gently pushed him.

Gumawa rin ako ng kaunting distansya mula sa kanya.

"Clingy?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Huwag ka nang magtanong, Tobias."

He chuckled again.

Mas lumapit ako sa mga nakahilerang gamit at ganoon din si Tobias, at sa halip na tumabi siya sa akin at humawak sa ibang gamit, naroon talaga siya sa likuran ko at saka lang siyang humahawak ng gamit kapag ibinaba ko na iyon muli sa lamesa.

Night of Waterfalls (Venom Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon