Chapter 49

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Hello, angels! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. Actually, this scene has been already inside my mind since His Bite, around 2017? Haha! It was really frustrating since I couldn't write it pa kasi super tagal pa ng story nina Kezalli at Tobias, but here we are! Finally, I reached their story! Huhu. I still can't believe that my fantasy series reached this far! Thank you so much for the support! I enjoyed writing this chapter.

Chapter 49: Green light and cloaked woman

"Go away, human. I don't want to see you anymore," he said, his words as cold as ice. When he turned away and took further steps as his frame grew smaller, I felt that invisible pull from the mirror.

I unknowingly extended one of my hands as if I could grasp something. "Sorry . . ."

I felt the warm liquid sliding from the corners of my eyes as I slowly closed them. I was about to let my whole body be dragged inside the mirror when I felt the cold necklace hanging around my neck. My eyes opened abruptly, and before the mirror could pull me further away from his world, I desperately extended both hands.

"No, not yet."

I gasped when I felt the cold frame of the old mirror, pulling my body back to the entrance. I almost threw my whole body into the room as I returned, slumping onto the floor, my hands pressed against it as I breathed heavily.

My whole body was shaking. Nervously, I looked up, trying to find Tobias, and he was there, still inside the room, with one hand on his waist and the other running through his hair. He suddenly froze, eyes widened, a mix of frustration and something else I couldn't quite decipher. "K-Kezalli . . ."

"Make an open wound, return something valuable from him, inflict physical pain and he'll forget about you . . ." I could hear a voice.

I desperately looked around to find something that would help me. Tumayo na ako at umikot ako sa silid na iyon upang maghanap ng maaaring magbigay sa kanya ng maliit na sugat habang walang tigil sa paglandas ang luha ko.

If I'm going to hurt him now, then I'd end it here. I choked with my own thoughts.

I covered my mouth with the back of my hand as I frantically looked around, trying to ignore his presence behind me. Tobias maintained our distance, but I knew that he was watching me— every turn, every walk, every movement I'd made.

"Kezalli Lanoire! I said fucking go away in this world! This is what you want, right? Go!" his voice thundered.

Mariin akong pumikit, hindi na ako lumilingon sa kanya sa halip ay halos bulong na lang ako isinagot ko.

"I will! But allow me to do this and stop this pain between us—"

"S-Stop this nonsense. You don't have the right to decide for me. Return to your mirror before I drag you!"

Suddenly, a lightning strike illuminated the room, followed by a loud clap of thunder.

I quivered.

In a second, the whole Parsua Deltora was in the middle of a storm—the mixture of raindrops and wind felt like it was about to wreck the whole castle. The window blew open violently, the damp wind whipping the curtains, tousling my hair, and rattling everything inside our room.

I could hear his heavy footsteps behind me.

"Fucking cross the damn mirror, Kezalli!" he shouted.

Natigil ako sa pagkapa sa mga kagamitan doon, napalingon at napaatras ako nang mas humakbang siya papalapit sa akin, ngunit natigilan din ako nang maramdaman kong may nabangga ako sa likuran. A table with a vase on it.

Night of Waterfalls (Venom Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon