Chapter 37

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Since Gazellian Series, I've been showing you the beauty of Parsua Sartorias, the mysteries of this kingdom, the puzzles left by King Thaddeus, their power, the love of the Gazellian siblings, the trees, mirrors, blue fire and even the heartbreaking histories of their past, now let's enjoy the beauty of Deltora and the story of Le'Vamuievos siblings (well, this is my favorite part of writing, it's when I have to bring you to my fictional world) aside sa iyakan. Good luck lol 

You'll see more of Deltora. While writing this it felt like I was on the boat too, I hope you'll feel the same way. Haha! I know that there are only a few who will appreciate this kind of story, but I love writing fantasy so much, and thank you for enjoying it with me. You can enjoy this chapter by listening to the music above. 

Chapter 37: Welcome

Life is really full of surprises. I thought that the colors in front of my eyes would always be black and red, but as I stayed longer in this place with the colors of the ocean, corals, and flowers, for the first time my eyes asked for more.

Maybe I had been so used to pain and sadness that everything I felt right now seemed unreal—that maybe I was just in a deep sleep, and this was just my imagination: the beauty of this place, this man with green eyes, and every story I hear about us.

I took a few more steps beside him, looking closer at his face with a mask. I just noticed that I could recognize faces the moment I opened my eyes in this world.

Was I cured? How?

If everything was true, gaano na karami ang alaalang nawala sa akin?

I sighed. "Did I ever mention to you that I can't recognize faces?"

Natigil sa paglalakad si Tobias at humarap siya sa akin. "You didn't directly tell me, but you shared your past with me."

I blinked and took a step back. "W-what?"

"You allowed me to see your past."

I gasped. "I did that?"

How much I had been in love with this man that I happened to share with him my pasts—my insecurities, fear, and things that I hated the most about myself.

He nodded.


When he was about to touch me and he saw that I was looking at his hand, he stopped in midway. He sighed. "I don't think you're comfortable—" I cut him off.

"How?" I repeated.

"Can you remove your mask for a bit?"

Hindi ako nagsalita ngunit sumunod ako sa kagustuhan niya.

When he took off his mask again, he took a step closer and, this time, one of his hands gently cupped my face. He bent down, delicately pressing his forehead to mine with his eyes closed. "Like this . . ."

At that moment, a scene flashed inside my mind. I was falling, shouting with money scattered around me in the air, in a room filled with steam and heat, and before I knew it, I was in the arms of a man, dripping wet with his long hair, and eyes as green as corals.

I gasped and pushed him a little with my widened eyes. "W-what was that?"

He straightened himself again, wore his mask, and gently smiled. "It was the first time we met each other. I was the happiest even if you interrupted my bath time."

"B-bath time?"

He chuckled before he continued walking. Sinundan ko siya at nanatili akong nakatitig sa kanya. "Then there's a way, Tobias. You could just share it with me through your mind."

Night of Waterfalls (Venom Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon