It has been a couple days now. And today is the day of the sports festival. It is so cool.

There is hundreds of reporters at the entrance. There is food stands, pro heros everywhere. It is very busy.

I slightly part my mouth, looking at myself in my pocket mirror. Using my finger to wipe some gloss from under my lip. Before I pop my lips.

I sigh then look down at my ua sports uniform.

"Why we must wear uniforms. Why not our costumes?" I ask TesuTesu.

"I don't know. Its a total bummer. I was so excited" he whines.

"Yeah it totally sucks!" Monoma cries.

"I am disappointed." I sigh again, before I start doing my mascara.

"Why are you doing your make up?" Kendo asks me chuckling?

"Must look good. Camreas are everywhere. Why would i want to look bad?"

"Thats true" she smiles. I nod. Then finish my lashes. Then close my mirror, putting it in my bag.

"Are heels really the way to go?" She asks again. I bend my knee back, looking at my heels.

I look back at kendo.

"Go where?"

"No I mean r u sure u wanna wear them?"

"What is wrong with them?"

"You're gonna be doing alot of stuff on your feet. You're gonna die"

"I will not die."

"If ur sure"

Then monoma stands up straight quickly catching my eye.

"EVERYONE! WE HAVE TO CRUSH CLASS 1A!!" He shouts. Everyone cheers. I roll my eyes then look in the mirror sorting my hair out. Making sure it looks good. It is in a high ponytail with a white bow ribbon in it with some hair left out at the front. It is the same hairstyle I wear everyday.

"You nervous L/n?" Kendo asks.

"No" i say adjusting the bow she laughs.

"Don't worry L/n dont be nervous"

"I am not"

"Let's prove that we are the best class yeah?"

"We can certainly try. Class 1a have awesome quirks" Yosetsu groans.

I sigh and start to wander round the massive break room. We just have to wait. I hate waiting.

Suddenly we hear a microphone screech on the speakers. We look around confused.

"HEYO!!" We hear present mic scream.

"ITS STARTING!! LETS GO QUICKLY!!" Everyone shouts. I turn but everyones quickly ran out.

Oh god.

I quickly yelp and run out the room chasing up to my class.

"Come on L/n! Hurry up!" Monoma shouts.

I phew as I catch up. Kendo quickly pulls my hand and pulls me to the front to stand with her and monoma? I furrow my eyebrows but ignore it. Monoma scoffs as present mic continues to bost up 1a.

"Asshole. Now we're gonna be in there shadows"

"Hey we can still prove we're better don't worry" Kendo smiles. He nods.

I roll my eyes.But I see the entrance from a distance.

I can hear everyone cheering. That is alot of people. I'm pretty confident I'm gonna be okay though. We are first years they can not judge to harshly.

I shrug as we walk closer to the entrance. I can vaguely see people in the stands cheering.

Why are people so excited over this? It is just kids messing about with there quirks?

"THEY HAVENT BEEN NEARLY GETTING AS MUCH SCREEN TIME! BUT THIS NEXT GROUP IS STILL CHOKE FULL OF TALENT!" Then we walk outside. My eyes widen abot seeing how many people are here. Hundreds- no- thousands. I slowly spin around looking at the many people as I continue walking. "CLASS 1B!!"

"This is so nerve wracking right L/n?" Komori gasps.

I shrug.

"I suppose."

"Thats all u have to say?" She whines. I raise an eyebrow before holding up a thumbs up.

"Erm? Good luck?" She nods.

"Thanks I feel like I need it. Look at class 1a" we both lean forward a little looking past our class at them. "There so intimidating"

I look at her.


"Uh-yah. They won against real life villans. They must be pros"

We stand up straight.

"No. They survived. Did not win.Not the same"

She hmms.

"I suppose. But still." I turn to them again as a red haired boy grabs a yellow haired boy by the back of the throat. The yellow boy shrieks and falls to his knees with red hair laughing.

That is..weird? That class is strange.

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