"Wow this is alot of friends" Mum says as she opens the door. "Hiya I'm Juno, Y/ns mum. You all okay?"
"Hi Juno. I'm Mina. I'm sure Y/n talks about me allll the time"
"Only teasing. Its nice to finally meet you guys. Now ignore the mess" She smiles, then let's all my friends inside.
"Whoah it's so cozy" Sero chuckles.
"Well I didn't know how many were coming so I didn't know how much food to make. So I just got you all a bunch of snacks. I hope that's enough"
Mum holds up a basket filled with snacks. I furrow my eyebrows.
Name brands? How did we afford this?
"Whoahh thanks Juno" Jirou smiles.
"Yeah, it was meant for Y/ns birthday party next week. But this is more important. Cuz she was meant to be on her trip on her birthday. But you know. So i think this is a good time to have her pary" She comes up to me and kisses my forehead. "Happy birthday darling"
I nod. Then take the basket and walk to my room. Everyone else follows. Once everyone's in they shut the door.
"It's you're birthday?" Jirou asks. I nod, as I place the basket on the bed.
"And you didn't tell us?" Mina says. I nod again.
"Mina, me. Share bed. You three can sleep on sofas or on floor."
They all nod.
"I do not have tv in here. But have a laptop"
"Whaat? We have to celebrate you're birthday!!" Mina shouts.
"Not the day for celebrating"
"We have to celebrate you're birthday" Kaminari says walking up to me. "It will cheer us up"
I check my phone.
"No longer my birthday. What you guys want to do?"
Mina suddenly falls to her knees covering her eyes.
"We...are horrible friends" She cries. I furrow my eyebrows. "We let Bakugo get kidnapped. We let our other friends try save him. And we couldn't even remember Y/ns birthday." She cries, hiding her face in the floor. The 3 go to the floor and hug her. Before they all start crying.
.....What do I do?
"Um....Be happy. Cheer up?" Then my phone starts ringing? I answer it since its Mum.
"Get in the front room and turn the news on"
I furrow my eyebrows but hang up.
"Mum told me to go watch the news. will be right back"
"We will come with you" Sero sniffs, standing up. I nod then walk out, walking down the hallway towards the kitchen, then sit on the sofa infront of the TV. But see All might and a weird looking villain. Kaminari sits on the floor next to me,placing his head on my lap. I look down at him. But he's shaking. I ignore it, placing my hand on his head, playing with his hair as we watch.
The smoke flies off of All might. Revealing a small scrawny man. My eyes widen.
What the hell?
Everyone around me is crying heavily. I gulp, but continue watching the news.

Kaminari x Reader
FanfictionYou're an exchange student from Russia. You make it into the hero course. But only to class 1b. But that doesn't stop a little sparkplug from taking a strong interest in you. Do you reciprocate?