Once everyone else shows up. We all stand infront of the stand once again with midnight talking to us. In short. She's basically saying that if you came after the 42nd contestant you are not eligible to compete in the rest of the games. And now we are waiting for her to tell us about the next game.
"CALVERLEY BATTLE!!" She shouts. With a photo of all might, another hero and present mic in a weird position. Present mic and other hero are holding hands with one person infront of the other. With all might sitting on top?
"Aw noo I'm terrible at those" I hear someone whine. I turn and see a yellow haired boy with a sad look on his face. I turn back and look at Shodo.
"What is that?" I ask.
"What's a Car-lver-lay mean?"
"Calverley" He corrects me.
"I don't know either. She'll probably explain" I nod then turn back to midnight.
"Allow me to explain! The participants will form teams of two to four people as they see fit. In theory it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value. Based on the results of the obstical course."
"I am confused" I say to shodo.
"There's gonna be teams of twos or threes or fours. And each team has a different amount of points based on who's in the team. And the points are ranked by what place you got in the running race."
"Oh. How is this playground game? Those like hopscotch and tag"
"It's confusing don't worry about that."
"The points go up in fives starting from the bottom. If ur 42nd place you have five points. If your 41st you have 10 points. And the 1st person has. 10 MILLION POINTS!!" She shouts. Everyone turns to the boy. I ignore them as I look on the screen looking for my number.
Oh I only have 110 points. Wait maths is where. How does he have 10 million?
I use my fingers to use maths. But 5 times 42 is 210. I am confused even more now.
"These are the rules u will abide by!! The game itself will last 15 minuites! Each team members points will be added together to reach the team total. Everyone will know how much your worth based on your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your teams score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the head up. So the more you get the harder the game is. And another thing. Even if ur headband gets taken or ur team falls down. You can keep playing until time runs out! This is going to be rough! You may use your quirks as much as you like!! But there are still rules! Make a team fall on purpose and I'll immediately give u a red card! YOU'LL BE DISQUALIFIED! Now you've got 15 minutes to make your teams!!"
We have to make our own teams?
I look around but everyone has quickly ran off. I hmm but feel a harsh hand on my shoulder. I turn but see the blonde hair from class 1a I furrow my eyebrows as he has a glare on his face.
"You" he grits his teeth. "Your quirk. I saw u run through the robot so u must be strong right?"
I nod then he grabs my wrist.
"Come on then. You're working with me" He says dragging me towards his group.
Rude. But he was third and he does have powerful quirk. Maybe it will be good. And i have no one else to team up with.
Then we go over to a red haired boy and black haired boy.
"Oh hey! Your on our team yeah?" Red haired boy asks.
"It's cool that bakugou chose you. Ur lucky"
"It's only cuz she's strong enough to hold me." He sighs rubbing his eyes.
"You're in class 1b right?" Black hair asks.
"Yes" I repeat.
"What's your name?"
"L/n. Yours?"
"Sero hanta!" He smiles. I nod then turn to red hair.
"Ejirou Kirishima. Ur an exchange student from russia right?"
I furrow my eyebrows.
"Yes? How did you know that?"
"Just heard it somewhere. That's cool though. He's bakugou. He's a hothead but he's powerful so you'll just have to figure out a way to deal with it" He laughs.
They both continue to tell me me about their quirks and the plan and stuff. It seems good. I am glad that I did not end up alone. Or with people with bad quirks.
"You got that girl?" Bakugou asks.
I nod.

Kaminari x Reader
FanfictionYou're an exchange student from Russia. You make it into the hero course. But only to class 1b. But that doesn't stop a little sparkplug from taking a strong interest in you. Do you reciprocate?