I walk out the room, walking to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I close the toliet lid before sitting down. Then look at my mums phone number. I gulp, but ring her. My heart dropping.
I cover my mouth with tears falling from my eyes. I sniff.
"I'm okay mum"
"Oh thank the stars. Your dad's in the car with me. Where are you I'll come pick you up"
"Erm. I was actually gonna ask. If I could maybe-"
"You wanna sleep round that Y/ns house don't you" My dad laughs.
"Shut up! Honey, it's okay to sleep over. Just tell me where you are, so I can see u and drop off your stuff"
"Are you sure?" I sniff.
"Aww don't cry my baby." Mum starts crying. "I love you so much thank u for being okay"
"Thank u mum" I wipe my tears away. I tell her where I am.
"I'm on my way my darling! See you soon. Mwah"
"Mwah" Then I hang up.
I rethink the whole night. Everything is so overwhelming. I hide my face in my hands as I cry a little.
Once I calm down, I clean myself up then walk back to Y/ns room, she's standing up, collecting stuff.
"Hi" I say. She turns to me.
I nod.
She nods.
"having to walk to get Mina. Do u want to walk with me? Or stay here?"
"Uhm. Mums coming down here to drop off some stuff and. You know. See me after everything"
Y/n nods.
"Ok." She holds out her keys.
I furrow my eyebrows.
"To let you get back in. You turn key left to the bottom. Then pull handle down."
"Oh. Well i could ask mum if she could drop us of to get Mina. I'm sure she'd love to meet you"
"To which bit?"
"Well it would save you a trip. And my parents are just dying to meet you-uh-B-because you saved me!! Obviously! I don't talk about you at home!"
"If she would want to"
"I'm sure she'd love to"
Time skip:
I walk up the hill, which makes me always out of breathe. But Y/n, as always, looks perfect. The moon is reflecting behind her. She's so beautiful. She always manages to get in the most perfect lighting.
We walk up the hill and walk through the forest. It's so dark. I squint, trying to see better. But immediately catch my foot on a log. I shriek, but Y/n catches the back of my shirt. She pulls me up. I look up at her. But my eyes start welling up again. I feel Y/n go stiff.
"Are you-"
I cry heavily, then pull her into a hug, hiding my face in her shoulder.
"What is wrong?"
"I-i just. I don't think I can become a hero. I keep needing to be saved. I couldn't save Bakugo. I couldn't even walk in the woods without needing to be saved"
"You are ok." She says, putting her hand in my hair, playing with it which starts soothing me down. "Do not cry Kaminari. They are gonna save him"
"But how can you be sure"
"I am never wrong"
"But what if you are"
"I am not"
I look up at her, she tucks my hair behind my ears, then uses her thumbs to wipe the tears away from my eyes.
I nod. Then she gives me a head pat before walking away. I stare at her. Taking a long inhale.
I think I love her. And not because she's hot. I think im in love all the time. But usually just because the girls hot and gives me attention. But this time is different.Because she's so caring. She's brutally honest. But maybe that's what I need. I'm so delusional that maybe she can equal us out. She's sweet. And she's so perfect. She's smart. And strong. She saved me. And she's a hopeless romantic like me. Even her just playing with my hair makes me feel like a sap. Just her being near me makes me feel calm and better. And no hot girls have ever made me feel this way. Fuck. I think I definanly love her.
I walk out the forest and see my mums car. I run towards it, with my parents getting out the car and wrapping me up in a hug.
"I'm so glad you're okay sweetheart" mum says as she kisses my head.
"I knew you would be fine" dad chuckles.
"He's lying he was crying in the car"
I chuckle at my parents as I pull away. I turn to Y/n who's fiddling with her fingers.

Kaminari x Reader
FanfictionYou're an exchange student from Russia. You make it into the hero course. But only to class 1b. But that doesn't stop a little sparkplug from taking a strong interest in you. Do you reciprocate?