I make it to class on time thankfully. I pant a little since I ran up all the steps to get here. But open the door and see everyone talking with eachother. But when they all noticed me they all changed and were moody?!
Oh my god whyy.
There is only a few people who are the same. Tesutesu, kendo and Shiozaki.
I mentally groan and sit in my seat.
"Hey L/n! I think what you did was super manly!" Tesutesu shouts. "Even though youre a girl. Still! It was so awesome of you to do that!" He shouts. I turn to him and nod.
"Thank you"
"No sweat!"
Then Mr Vlad King walks in.
"Hello class. Today we have a stressful lesson"
I furrow my eyebrows.
He sighs.
"You all have to pick out your hero names. Usually you don't have to do this yet. But class 1a is doing it and I don't want you falling behind. Pass these whiteboards out and think hard. You might get a chance to change these names in the future but if you don't these are your hero names for life."
"YEAAAHHH!!" Present mic screams as he entires the class. "Hiya guys! Your favioute teacher has arrived yayy!! And I know you guys are doing hero names so I'm here to help haha!!"
Hero names? I have not thought about that. What would mine even be? I do not have a flashy quirk. At all. It is disappointing. It is a bit hard to think of a hero name that goes with it.
I take the whiteboard and pen Shoda passes to me with a nod. Then try to think more about it.
There is nothing that would sound good with my quirk. I can not even be smart about it and make up a funny name. Invul- no. It doesn't help that it has to be in japanese.
I hmm tapping the pen onto my lips.
I do not know.
"L/n got any ideas?"
I turn to TesuTesu and shake my head no.
"Want help?"
"Do you not have to do your own one?"
"Oh please I finished it. I've been thinking about my hero name for years"
He nods.
"So you want help?" I nod and he moves his seat over to me. "Sweeett"
"There is nothing that goes well with my quirk" I sigh.
"Well you just gotta be smart. Flip some words around. Mix them up"
I raise an eyebrow.
"Okay so what do you want your type of hero to be? Like im thinking the invincible hero"
"Does that not sound pretentious?" I ask.
"Its true thoughhh"
I hmm.
"I suppose"
"Exactly. Then we gotta think of your name. Likeee your like a human shield. Cuz you can like take attacks and defend and stuff. Like armour. That sound cool so far?" I nod. "Right and with armour just take some letters out and replace them. Like armorist. Ooooh the invisible hero Armorisy. That sounds sick! Something like that. I am just so smart" He rambles.
I raise my eyebrows.
I turn to Tesutesu and nod.
"Thank you. What is your hero name?"
"Oh mine? It's Real Steal. Simple yet catchy" He smiles.
"That is cool"
"Aww thanks L/n" He grins.
I look back down on my white board.

Kaminari x Reader
FanfictionYou're an exchange student from Russia. You make it into the hero course. But only to class 1b. But that doesn't stop a little sparkplug from taking a strong interest in you. Do you reciprocate?