"Now everyone be really good. Boys go to your rooms" Mum says.
"Noo!"They all continue complaining before mum claps her hands.
"This is not up for discussion boys. Out!"
They all groan, but all make there way to there rooms.
"So who is your teacher?"
"Vlad king"
She nods before we hear a knock at the door.
"He's here." She whispers, before runs towards the door and opens it.
"Hiya Juno L/n nice to meet you" Mum smiles. I roll my eyes. Vlad enters my house. And before long us three are all sitting around our table.
"So, I am aware that you want my daughter to join the dorms" Mum says, sounding posh?
"Yes ma'am. We believe its the best way to ensure the saftey of the children. And we will fund each student enough money to decorate the dorms as they see fit-"
"I completely agree. She may go"
"Wait what? Mum you said-"
"Hush child"
"Are you sure? Do you have any questions?"
"No but I have a favour"
"My daughter here is very needed at home. And we can't afford her going back and fourth. I want the school to pay for her driving lessons. As well as supply her with a temporary car"
My eyes widen.
"....I can see what I can do"
"Because as a hero, they need to know how to drive shouldn't they? It should be just a basic thing. So she may go. And you may take her on as many school trips as needed. This is my verbal signing off on any future trips. As long as the school does what I ask"
"That is quiet a request"
"I will speak to the principal about it"
"Thank you deary"
"Good day to both of you"
"Let me show you out" Mum smiles. I groan as they walk away, hitting my head on the table.
What just happened?!!

Kaminari x Reader
FanfictionYou're an exchange student from Russia. You make it into the hero course. But only to class 1b. But that doesn't stop a little sparkplug from taking a strong interest in you. Do you reciprocate?