Kaminari pov:

Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg. I can't believe she said yes! This is insane!! Omg!!

I look up at her and her face is the same face that she's had throughout the whole festival. Calm and relaxed. It's so pretty up close haha!! Omg.

Kaminari calm down! You gotta be cool! Yeah! Cooool! Ride with the wavessss. She's so hot!!

She looks down at me with her eyes making eye contact with me. I yelp and look away.

"So uh. How comes your in class 1b. Your quirk is pretty powerful" I chuckle.

"Did not kill enough robots in exam"

"How come?"

"To many people killing them. Not enough left"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"Does not matter. In ua now"

She talks strangely. It's kinda weird. But it's adorable as well. It makes sense since japanese isnt her first language.

"So how long have you lived in Japan for?"

"beginning of school year"

Wha- she's been here for 2 months and her Japanese is already this good! What the hell?!

"Your Japanese is really good"

She nods.

"Thank you"

This is kinda awkward. I think L/n is just an awkward person. But she doesn't seem akward. But I think it's kinda sweet. She seems really intimidating and scary but she's actually just not good with people. That's cute.

"What's your favioute ice cream flavour?" I smile walking infront of her backwards.

She thinks for a second.



She nods.

Omg!! Our favioute ice cream flavour is the same! I knew we were soulmates!!

"Thats my favioute to!! That's so cool!" I grin.

"That is nice. No one in class likes it"

"Really? Why?!"

"Think it is to childish"

"Whaaaaa- that's rubbish! No it isn't. It's delicious!"

"That is what I said. But they do not listen"

"Well their dumb"

"Very true"

"Why don't they like my class very much?"

"Because you are in spotlight all the time. You think you better then us. And make us feel like we are not good as you. You are selfish and think less of us. So they think less of you"

My eyes widen.

Ouch that hurt.

"I do not think that. I do not care that your class better. Not my buisness"



"Thanks L/n. Why can't everyone in your class be like youuu" I whine.

"That would be impossible"

I laugh.

"I'm joking L/n"


I laugh more.

"It's fine." Then we make it to the ice cream shop.

"I do not need one. am okay"

"Whaaat nooo you have to have one. I can't be alonee"

"But do not want you paying for me. It is rude no?"

Awwww she's so caring and sweet.

"Its okay. It's worth it for a cute girl like you" I wink.

Haha yes I am so good at this.

Her eyes seem to widen a little for a split second before they return to normal.

Haha got her.

"If you are sure. I will pay back"

"Don't worry about ittt" I chuckle. "What flavour?"

"Bubblegum plaese"

Aww she said please wrong. At least she's trying. She's hot and cute!! Perfect combo!!

"I thought so. You're welcome" I smile.

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