It is the end of the festival. Everyone gave it there all and I watched from the stands. The fight were the insane. It was very much. I do wish I stayed in the games for longer. But it felt unfair and I would just feel the undeserving of my place. It is fine though I hope the recruitment people liked me.

I sigh as we all sit in our seats in our uniforms, listening to our teacher Mr Vlad before we can go home.

"Good work everyone! We all did our best to win. Well- apart from one person the person we thought would be the winner and show the other classes that we are the best" Everyone glares at me. I gulp. "But anyway I'm glad we did as well as we did. You guys will have 2 days off school to recover. Then there's the weekend. So I'll see you all on Monday. That is all" We all nod before standing up and walking out of the class.

God that was embarrassing. I know I shouldn't have done that but it wouldn't have felt right. Now everyone hates me and I was just starting to become liked. This is so stupid.

I roll my eyes and walk out of school.

"Hey! L/n!!" I hear? I furrow my eyebrows and turn, seeing Kaminari running towards me.

My eyes widen a little. He stops infront of me, holding his knees panting.

"Hey I'm glad I found you" he pants before standing up. "I didn't get to introduce myself I'm Denki Kaminari." He holds his hand out to me. He's shorter then me like most people. The top of his head reaches my collar bone. I'm 6.3 in these heels so I am assuming he is 5.6- maybe 5.7.

I take it to shake but he flips it over and kisses it?!

My eyes widen again.

Did he just- oh my god

"Uh. I just wanna say. Thank you for doing that for me" He says letting go of my hand lowering his head.

"Doing what?"

His eyes widen.

"You know taking me to the nurses office and losing with me remember!"

I nod and he sighs.

"You didn't have to do that. But you did it anyway. Thanks L/n"

I nod again.

"It is okay"

"Are you sure? You could've totally won this thing if u didn't help me out"

"It is fine"

"You sure?"

"I would not lie. Do you think I am?"

"Huh? No! No! Sorry. Anyway. Would you wanna go get ice cream? My treat"

"I do not have money"

"Huh? No, I mean I'll pay for one for you"

I raise an eyebrow.


"Because I wanna say thank you" he chuckles.

I shrug.

"If you would like to"

"Y/n L/n! Why are you talking to the enemy class!!" I roll my eyes at Monoma who is marching over. "Do you know how bad this looks on us!!"


"W-well it makes us look bad! No! Bad!"

"Sorry" He nods then marches off.

"He is very intense he almost freaks me out" Kaminari chuckles.


"Are you an ice cream kinda girl or a coffee? What stuff do you like?"

What do I like? I don't know I've never been asked that. I guess I like anything?


He grins.

"Then I guess ice cream it is!" Then he marches off. I raise an eyebrow. He stops turns to me awkwardly. "Cmon"

I nod then walk with him.

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