You're an exchange student from Russia. You make it into the hero course. But only to class 1b. But that doesn't stop a little sparkplug from taking a strong interest in you. Do you reciprocate?
Today is the day of my internship. I'm just in his buildings changing rooms as I get changed into my hero costume. I look at myself in the mirror.
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I asjust my pink goggles on my head. Then finish braiding my hair. I have 2 braids. It isn't gonna stop people from pulling my hair. But at least it won't get messy. I smile, finishing my lip gloss before I walk out. I dust myself down, before I walk to Snipes office. I stand outside the door, before knocking.
"Come in" I open the door and walk inside.
"Aaah Novo how are you" he says, standing from his desk.
"Thats good. You excited to work in my agency?"
I nod.
"Well aren't you a bundle of joy" He chuckles. "Well today we are gonna get you in our training room."
I nod.
"And then we are gonna get you working on you're personality"
I raise an eyebrow.
"Like adverts and all that stuff. Midnight will be working with you on that"
I nod.
"Okay. Follow me" He walks past me. I shut the door behind him and follow him.
"You've got a pretty powerful quirk you know. Invulnerability and strength? The perfect pair"
"Thank you"
"So what made you choose my agency?"
I hate small talk.. I don't know why I chose him? Because he was the coolest one on the list. That would be dumb.
"I believe you were the best option to help my skills" I lie.
"Aww that's sweet." Then we walk into his training room. It's filled with guns and targets.
"In order for you to become a hero. You cant rely on you're quirk and fighting alone. So we are gonna get you started on some weapon training. Have you ever used a gun before?"
"Well it's simple. Once you get the hang off it. Those dummies are our target practice. Being a hero means you can't kill you're enemy but you can wound them. So you want to avoid viral areas, such as the chest, lower back, the head. Here's a pistol to get you started" He holds one out to me. I look down at it before taking it. I've never held a gun before. This is scary.
"Now take two hands and hold it up, just high enough likeee" He takes my arms and raises them. "There. Perfect. Now close one eye, it's easier for newbies." I close my other eye. "Now, use the roof of the gun to aim. I want you to aim for the dummies left thigh" I slowly aim, struggiling a little. Before shooting. My arms move back a little from inpact, the noise making me jump. Which makes me aim incorrectly and I shoot in the stomach. "Good try Nova. Perfect for your first try. Try not to let the noise freak you out. Just focus. Try again" I nod, then aim again, being more prepared this time. Closing my eye again. Before pulling the trigger. Which hits the dummy in its v line.
"Perfect! Amazing Nova. Perfect. Now here's how to reload"