Hello. Im Y/n L/n. I am exchange student from Russia. So japanese isnt my first language obviously. It is not very good apparently. I have a very heavy accent with it. I do not hear it.I think it is great. But people do not agree. They say my tone is always the same so they can not tell my mood. How? I very much show my emotions when I talk. And with my face. People are stupid.

I go to ua. I am in class 1b. I have no time for stupidness and silly people.

People think I am cold and mean for some. Odd reason. I am not mean! I am direct. No point beating around the bush. If u ask I tell the truth. Anyway, I am in class reading my book. Our lesson has yet to start so I am waiting. I hate waiting. But the bus is always early and nothing else to do. So I must wait.

"Y/n" I hear Shiozaki say from the entrance of the classroom. I look away from my book and watch her walk towards me.


"Did you hear about what happened to the poor class 1a?" She asks, sitting next to me.

I raise an eyebrow.


"Jeez L/n don't you watch the news?" Kendo laughs.

"News is waste of time. I focus on things happening to me. To busy for other people"

"I'm to busy" Kendou corrects me.

"I'm to busy" I repeat.

"Those stupid snobs got themselves attacked by the league of villans in the USJ. So stupid ahaha" Monoma laughs sitting infront of me. "They probably think there better then us because they got there seconds of screentime" He scoffs.

"They ranked higher then us. They are better. That is how it works no?"

"Yes but don't tell Monoma that" Kendou laughs.

"Oh. Did anyone die?" I ask.

"Wha- Y/n. No, no one died" Shiozaki gasps.

"Unfortunately" Monoma grunts.

"Anyone get hurt?"

"Not that we know of. Apart from Mr Aizawa. There teacher" Shiozaki addsm

"Oh. Well that's good" I reply, putting my bookmark on the page.

"Good?" Shiozaki asks.

"No one else got hurt. They are not dumb. Good job"

"Poor teacher though" she says.

"That to. Obviously. feel very bad"

"Do u though?" Kendou asks looking at my face confused.

I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yes can u not tell?"

They shake there heads no.

"What do u want me to do? Cry?"

"No,no it's fine"

I nod my head.


Then our teacher walks in and everyone turns to face him shutting up.

"Alright class. I know you must be very concerned about class 1a with what happened yesterday but trust me they are doing just fine" he says. "Anyway. On a good note. We are holding a sports festival soon. So you guys can get your screentime to if ur jealous. Monoma"

Monoma shrinks in his chair. Before everyone cheers loudly.

I furrow my eyebrows looking around at everyones excitement confused. Before facing back to the teacher raising my hand.

"Yes L/n"

I put my hands on the desk.

"What is this sports festival? Is it like a sports party?"

Everyone laughs. I roll my eyes.

"You, and all the other classes get televised, as you compete in different tasks, competing against the other classes. And the big shot heros scout out who's the best and choose people to be there apprentice."

"So it's competition. Like Olympics?"

"Kind of"

"And we work in teams or on our own?"

"Depends on what the challenge is"

"Ah I love competitions."

"Well good luck to you" he smiles. I nod.

I love competitions!! I'm so exited!! I will do my best haha!!

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