Suddenly in an instant, a short woman slides round the corner infront of the door frame. My eyes widen. Y/n stays her calm self and takes my empty plate. The mum immediately squeals?
"AAAAAH!! HI DARLING!! HI!! IM JUNO!! Y/ns mum. Obviously. Though I do look young enough to be her sister" she says with a smile.
"Hello Miss L/n I'm Denki Kaminari"
"Ew don't do that" Y/n stands up taking my plate. Her mum rushes past her and sits next to me.
"So how long have you know- OH MY GOD!! YOURE THE BOY FROM THE SPORTS FESTIVAL?! OMG!!"
Her mum is so different from her.
"You did such a good job!! I was so proud of youuu!! Did you enjoy her cooking? Oh sorry about the mess! It's always havock here if you didn't know."
I smile.
"Aw thank you. And yeah her cooking is so good. And don't worry about it my house is always a mess"
"Your weren't meant to admit it" She huffs.
My eyes widen.
"Oh! Uh-"
"I'm teasinggg. I know my house is a pig sty"
"You're japanese is really good Mi- Uh- Juno"
"Oh thank youu. I am just really good with languages. I took Japanese in high school. Unlike Y/n who chose French. Ew. Anyway tell me about yourself"
"Uuh. What do you want to know?"
"Everything! Likeeee. Do you have a job? What's you're mums job? Do you have a mum? Oh shit I feel bad now sorry"
"Wha- No I do have a mum" I laugh. "She's a hero"
"Whaaat!! That's so cool!! Aww are you becoming a hero to be like ur mama. That's adorable! I'm trying to teach my kids to be ice skating coaches like me. But they just don't seem interested. Y/n though is super interested. Oh! Maybe you and her and a couple of your other friends. Like what's his face? Kirishima and the tape guy? They could go with her one day and hang out! That would be awesome. Y/ns never really had friends. She's pretty boring. She's always home doing this sorta stuff. So when u took her to ice cream I was realllyyy happy. She seemed happy to. Though she hard to read isn't she?"
To much words!!
"So here's my number. Incase you ever wanna ask for my blessing hahaha!! Only joking! If you're mum ever needs a break from her hero stuff she's always free to come here. Same with you. You're such a kind boy"
"Calm down" I look up at Y/n in the doorway. She is so pretty. I gulp.
"Awww aren't you a cutieee!!" Juno laughs, hugging my side. I smile.
"I didn't know you took french" I smile.
Y/n roles her eyes but keeps her calm demeanour.
"Denki do you wanna sleepover?! Aaah that'll be so fun!!"
"Oh I would but my mum needs me home" I chuckle.
"Ah of course. What about this weekend?"
"You're right. I'll leave you guys alone. Y/n invite you're other friends around. If there as sweet as Denki here there all welcome" She smiles before shaking my hand. "It was really nice to meet you" before pulling me into a hug. I laugh returning it.
"You to"
"No conoodiling!" She yells as she leaves the room. Shutting the door behind her.
"You're mum is so sweet" I smile.
"She is very..much"
"But it is nice though"
She shrugs.

Kaminari x Reader
FanfictionYou're an exchange student from Russia. You make it into the hero course. But only to class 1b. But that doesn't stop a little sparkplug from taking a strong interest in you. Do you reciprocate?