"Everyone! Settle down!" Mr vlad King shouts. "Now that everyone has thought about there hero names. We can talk about ur up coming internships?"


"They only last for a week. The sports festival was a great way for heros to see u and send offers to intern there. In class 1a the offers were sky high. Shoto todoroki got over 4000 offers." Then he puts our names on the board. "AND WHAT DID YOU GUYS GET?! LESS THEN 20!! HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO BE BETTER THEN THEM IF U CANT EVEN COMPETE WITH THERE NUMBERS!!"

I look at the board for my name and see that I got 19. That is not bad.

"Anyway. The list I give u is all of the hero agencies that want you. If u didn't get any offers I have a different list for you. Pick out who u want to work with. And don't pick someone just cuz you think there cool. Go with someone that works around stuff that works well with ur quirk. Like if ur quirk qorks mainly around rescure. Work with someone that specialises with that. Turn in your choices before the weekend" then he passes me my list.

"Whaaaat. We only got 2 days?" Shoda asks.

"Yes" Then Mr Vlad King leaves.

I hmm and look at my list. I do not know half of these people. I continue to read it but fold it carefully and put it in my blazer pocket. Then pull my phone out.

Oh no!! It's half 3 already?! Crap! I'm gonna be late!!!

Kaminari pov:

I sigh as I stare out the window. I have no idea who I wanna choose. I wanna pick some place that makes me fight villains. And maybe a place that specialises with electric. Idkkk this is to stressfu- huh?

I look at the floor, seeing L/n quickly running away? Graciously as usual but she looks like she's in a rush. I chuckle to myself as I watch her run away. She's so hot.

"Kaminari where are you choosing to go?" Kirishima asks me. I turn to him and groan.

"I don't knowwwww. There's to many choicesssss. You pick for me"

"Dude what?" He laughs. "No you gotta choose"

"Aaaaaagh this sucks" I whine.

"You got 2 days to decide you don't have to chose right now" Mina says walking over.

"But I wanna get it over with"

"Just choose wisely man. You don't wanna end up going someplace that sucks"

I sigh.

"Yeah okay"

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