Kaminari pov:

"Thank you" She says in the same tone as usual.

She says thank you alot. I guess she probably doesn't know what else to say. She's so awkward.

I chuckle.

"Stop saying thank you. I'm just being a gentlemen for a friend" then I fake cough "and future wife." She looks down at me. "Sore throat" she nods.

She's so hottt. Just being this close to her is amazing!! I feel so special!! She smells like cheap perfume. But in like a pretty aesthetic kinda way. But I personally love it. She's so tall. I have to look up other wise I'm just staring right at her boo-

"Y/n l/n!! What have I said about talking to the enemy!!" We turn and see Monoma running towards us. "And letting him hold your bag?! You just want us to fail don't you!!" Then he hits her back multiple times but she doesn't flinch. Obviously. Shes so strong its insane.

"no" she says, rolling her eyes, before turning to me. "Thank you for the walk to class." I smile and hand her back her bag.

"It was no problem cutie" I flirt.

"Hey! You don't get to call her that! How dare you try flirt with her!! Just because she showed you mercy in the sports festival doesn't mean she likes you!!"

"Calm down" L/n says, taking her bag. "Bye kaminari" I kiss her hand.

"Bye cutie" I wink.

"WHAA-" Monoma shouts as i walk away. I laugh to myself. "DONT TELL ME YOUR DATING THE EMEMY L/N!"


I laugh then enter my class, to see Mineta glaring at me.

"How dare you flirt with L/n!! Shes mine i dibsed her!!" He cries.

Why am i getting told off todayyy! This is so uncool!

"Welllll she seems to like me more then you sooo."

"But shes totally hot though. I want herrrr. Shes so tall and intimidating. Shes got such a stern look all the time its so-" But Sero tapes his mouth shut. 

"Hush you perv!" Hagakure shouts. 

I chuckle before sitting in my seat. 

Hes not wrong. God shes so aaah!! Ever since the sports festival shes all i think about. does she have a secret quirk i dont know about?! What if she can read my thoughts right now?! AAH!! I'M SORRY FOR PERVING L/N!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! But if this is another quirk she must want me to think about her!! SHE LIKES MEE HAHAHA!! No Denki that's so stupid. Youre just being a perv you're no better then Mineta. Execpt you can keep most of your thoughts to yourself. Unlike that loud mouth. Its the number 1 secret to being a perv. Keep thoughts to yourself. UNLESS YOU CAN READ MY MIND!! IM SORRY AGAIN!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!

L/n pov:

"Whaat you still don't know what hero name to use? Everyone else has picked theirs out" Shiosaki tells me.

"Can not think of one"

"What about my one!! I thought it was awesome!!" TesuTesu cries.

"That was stupid! That would've been more of a name for a female version of you" Kendo laughs.

"Oh yeah?! Well if there was a female version of me i would totally date her! She would be smoking" He jokes. I look down at my blank whiteboard.

Everyone else has already thought of hero names. Tesutesus one is good, but people do not seem to like it. 

"Ooo what about. The russian hero. Masha!" Pony grins.

"Like Masha the bear?" Shodo asks. she whines.

"Monoma told me to say that"

"You want her to be named after a kids show?! What were u thinking!" Kendo shouts at him.

What if i just choose my name? That is silly. My thoughts are dumb.

Does anyone have ideas for hero name?

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