Rival (part 6)

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Eddy stirred awake from the morning sun's kiss, content to find the small boy sleeping peacefully in his arms. He couldn't help but smile as the memories from the previous night resurfaced.

"I can feel you smiling," said the bundle in Eddy's arms.
"Am I not allowed to?" Eddy teased.
Brett looked up at him.
"I'm very happy to see it again, it's been awhile," he said.

"All I needed was apparently a little bit of Brett in my life."
Brett smiled foolishly at the praise and hid his blushing cheeks in Eddy's chest. Eddy laughed heartedly, happy that Brett was comfortable enough to show this side of him.

Eddy let the soft silence settle before shifting more serious.
"Brett, would you like to share your story with me?" He asked.

Brett stayed still, contemplating. He hadn't really ever let anyone in on his history. No one really cared, all his friendships had been shallow, mostly based on other's praising Brett and his violin abilities.

Brett laid his head in the side.
"My scars you mean?"
"Anything you want to tell me really," Eddy replied, calmly stroking Brett's back and playing with his hair while listening attentively.

"My parents died when I was 2 years old, I never knew them but I heard they were angels... my uncle got custody of me." Brett stayed still while speaking, his voice emotionless. "He found 2 years to be a reasonable age for starting violin... Every failed passage or note out of tune was a whip of a leather belt on my back..."

Eddy's heart sank at the information and he felt himself going pale. He prayed to every god for it to be untrue, but deep inside he saw how much sense it made.

Brett's flawless violin abilities...

Brett didn't continue. He laid calmly on Eddy's chest. He looked up as he felt droplets fall on his forearm. Eddy cried. He cried the tears Brett couldn't.

Eddy held Brett tight.
"You're safe now..." he whispered.

He then felt silent droplets fall on his chest. Droplets of silent suffering finally heard by the attentive ear.

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