Mendelssohn proposal (fluff)

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"Before we start Bach's concerto for two violins, I have something I wanna say," Brett said. "Eddy..."

"I know, It's a nice shirt right, it's actually limited merch for this concert so make sure to get one after the show!" Eddy caught up on the merch promotion slot.

Brett laughed nervously.
"Yes, yes it's a very nice shirt, but... I actually wanted to bring up something else." Brett looked up at Eddy and felt his world turn. "Fuck..." he said under his breath, not using the microphone.

"Brett, you ok?" Eddy had now also taken down his microphone and asked Brett genuinely out of concern.

Performing Mendelssohn tonight must've been a great pressure, and Eddy had been worried about Brett's health throughout the whole process, especially considering past health issues.

"Yeah, give me a minute," Brett ushered Eddy away and turned around to take a deep breath.
Eddy found himself a bit hurt at Brett's neglect. He just wanted to help.

Brett finally turned back around.

"Eddy..." he tried his very best, he really did, but he couldn't stop the tears.
"Oh, Brett..." Eddy coaxed and tried to go closer again, but once again he was denied soothing his boyfriend by a hand on his chest.

Brett let the tears flow freely, determined to finish.

"Eddy, we've known each other for a long time, 17 years to be precise actually. And... in 2019, I got the honor of being by your side. As more than a friend."

Eddy put his hands over his mouth as he realized what was going on.

"And ever since then, I've happily stayed by your side. I've watched you grow. I've watched you fall. And I've watched you get back up. And there's no greater inspiration for me than you. So what I wanted to ask was..."

Eddy shook his head in disbelief as Brett got down on one knee, earning tremendous amounts of applause from the audience.

"Eddy Chen... Will you do me the honor of letting me stay by your side... til death do us part?" The tears were still flowing freely down Brett's cheeks as he held out the ring, but he didn't care, Eddy's cheeks were just as stained.

Without missing a beat, Eddy nodded eagerly.
"Yes. Yes of course Brett." He said, lunging forward to cup Brett's wet cheeks and kiss him deeply, lovingly.
Brett wrapped his arms around Eddy's waist and returned the kiss.

The audience were going absolutely mad at this point, but neither of them seemed to even hear.

They parted from the kiss just to stare foolishly into each other's eyes. Brett carefully unwrapped one of his arms to put it in front of Eddy, reminding him of the ring.

It was discrete, simple, just like Eddy liked.

Eddy put up his hand for Brett to put the ring on. Once done, they kissed again as if to lock in the promise.

A few minutes later, the first notes of Bach's concerto for two violins in D minor echoed throughout the hall. Brett stood by Eddy's side, just like he promised he'd do.

He silently watched Eddy's left hand, smiling in awe as the ring clothed finger danced across the strings.

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