Fantasia continuation pt.3 (Angst + fluff)

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Eddy went to sleep as soon as he came home not even eating dinner first, he had to meet Brett. He did every sleep routine to fall asleep fast and finally managed to.

Eddy woke up, but not in the soft grass like last time. Hard rocks dug into his back as he sat up. He looked down to find his clothes shredded and dirty. He rose from the ground to inspect his surroundings. A cave. There was a lonely fire burning in the middle. Other things could also be found, puzzles, books, pens and... a violin.

Eddy walked over to the violin. The wood was of darker character, the varnish shining beautifully against the lively flame.

"You played."
Eddy turned around. Brett sat in the corner, his clothes just as broken as Eddy's. For the first time, Eddy noticed how small Brett was. Thin and fragile body, not filling out the trashed clothes the least.

"You heard?"
Brett nodded.
Eddy thought back to the teary rain.

"Please," Brett gestured towards the violin next to Eddy. "Go ahead."
Eddy contemplated. He wasn't comfortable playing around other people. But Brett's eyes, they held something special. A sort of desperation. Eddy was sure he was one of the few who got to see it.

Such a trust could not go unanswered.

He picked up the violin and let it rest against his shoulder. He thought about what to play for a moment before letting the bow catch a string.

The flower duet.

Brett listened attentively, smiling from where he leaned his head against the cave wall. Eddy smiled back, happy Brett got the reference and continued the phrase until he let it ebb out.

"Why'd you stop?" Brett asked.
"I can't continue without a second violin," he replied teasingly, earning a soft chuckle.
Eddy gave Brett a look and he finally gave in, shooting back from the cave wall to stand up. He walked over to Eddy with a playful sort of grin.

He picked up a piece of wood from the fireplace. Eddy furrowed his eyebrows at the burning chunk, but Brett's grin remained. Brett blew out the remaining fire before throwing it into the cave floor, destroying the wooden piece. Eddy put his hand over his mouth in surprise.

He nonchalantly crouched to puzzle the pieces together to resemble a violin back. He grabbed the shape and when he flipped it over it was a full-size violin, strings and all.

"Wha- How did you?"
"You're in my dream now Eddy, my imagination is the limit," Brett replied with that playful smile.
Eddy was in shock by what he just saw. Could he do this in his own dreams as well? Brett seemed to have so much control, as if he'd spent some time in this cave before while Eddy barely recognized the dream yesterday as his own.

Then Brett started playing the melody of the flower duet. Eddy smiled at the sound of his beautiful lively music.
"Hey! I asked for a second violin! Not for you to take my solo!" Eddy teased fake-offended, not displaying how much he'd enjoy just sitting back and letting Brett play the rest.

He joined in and the let their combined music resonate within the boomy cave, smiling foolishly while playing with each other though the music. Maybe dragging, rushing or adding improvised parts to play with the other. Their laughter became a part of the music itself.

All the way to the final note. Brett held the note for way too long, forcing Eddy to follow as the second violinist. When he finally finished they laughed together. Eddy noticed the beautiful creases by Brett's eyes as he laughed and couldn't help but admire them with a lost smile.

Until the serene face contorted to strained grimaces, coughing resonating within the cave.
"Brett are you ok?!" Eddy asked, acting quickly and putting both of their violins away.
He didn't even care as he put them on the floor, a sacrilegious move of a musician hadn't someone been in danger.

"I'm fine-" Brett tried, but was cut off by the coughing fit.
He coughed so hard he was trembling on the floor, gasping for air.

Eddy was panicking but tried his best not to let it show. They both sat on the floor, Eddy's hand on Brett's back. He didn't dare to punch too hard, afraid to break bone.

When the fit seemed to have passed, Brett let himself fall into Eddy's arms. Eddy sat startled for a moment before wrapping his arms around the trembling boy. Yet again he reacted upon the fragility of the body, noticing how he could feel the outline of ribs and spine.

"I um... I have something to attend to," Brett said. "This was the signal," he continued.
"No not again Brett please, stay with me a little longer," Eddy begged as he held him closer.

Brett reached his hand up to trace an unclear line over Eddy's facial structure.
"If I don't go now I might not come next time..."

Eddy was once again confused at Brett's talking in riddles.
"What do you mean?" Eddy asked desperately, tears brimming. "What do you mean Brett?!"

Brett didn't reply, but was simply swallowed by mist.

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