Fantasia continuation pt.1 (Angst + fluff)

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Eddy slowly closed the case of his dusty violin, not managing to conjure the courage to pick it up. What if he'd forgotten everything? What if he sounded like a strangled cat? With a sigh, he walked over to his dull bed, reaching for the light switch, when suddenly...

Is that? Tchaikovsky? Yes. Yes, he'd recognize that concerto anywhere. But where did it come from? He started searching around the room while the first notes were playing. A beautiful interpretation and a passage without mistakes yet colored and beautiful.

He stopped looking for the source and just let the music happen, closing his eyes to hear it clearer. The melody, so full of joy and life, turning into the desperate semiquavers, and then the second passage. The climax of the first movement hit and Eddy found his eyes in tears, goosebumps covering his entire arms as he surrendered himself to this mysterious music.

From where it came from, he was still unsure. If this was his mind going mad then so be it. He'd take any diagnosis applied to this insanity as long as god would just let him have this moment, have this music.

But god can be cruel too.

The music started slowing down, loosing its convincing edge that lent Eddy so much comfort and security.
"Don't stop!" Eddy said and opened his teary eyes.

That's what brought him back to reality. He was talking to thin air... he really had gone mad, hadn't he? He let his head fall into his hands. He was loosing himself. This job. This life...

"Who's there?"
Eddy jolted his head back up at the voice. So serene, so soft, a beautifully deep, steady tone at base.
"Damn, am I hearing voices now? Maybe I should talk to the doctors about that..." The voice spoke again.

Eddy's heart beat so fast he could barely think, he had to come across to this boy somehow, that beautiful playing...
"Did you play the violin just now?" Eddy scurried out, afraid to loose the connection, whatever it was.

The answer took awhile.
"Yea... I mean... what the fuck is going on? Who the hell are you?!" The boy's calm tone started sounding more distressed.
"I'm Eddy, I'm just as confused as you but-" Eddy tried, he really didn't want to upset the boy but had to tell him. "Your playing it was- so colorful, so clean, so crisp yet so heartbreakingly phrased..."

Silence from the other end of the connection. Eddy continued, trying to amend for his words:
"I-I'm also a violinist you see- was! I... I don't play anymore... I'm... Would you please continue...? Please..."

Eddy felt pathetic for basically begging this stranger whom he'd never seen or met, but he needed this. His world was breaking, he was falling freely, until this man's steady tones caught him.

The silence was speaking its clear language. Eddy gave off another sigh and went back to going to bed. Damn, he was actually crazy now... hallucinating music and beautiful voices? If that ain't a prescription of madness I don't know what is.

He laid his head down on the pillow and turned off the lights, ready to meet the sand man.

Slowly, softly, the notes of Tchaikovsky started playing again, lulling Eddy to sleep.

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