Rival (part 5 (slight nsfw))

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Mr. White had managed to calm Eddy's father down and Eddy was allowed to stay in school.

It was weeks since that incident and Brett basically lived in Eddy's room now. Eddy always threatened him teasingly that he won't eat, sleep or practice unless Brett follows him to his dorm apartment so Brett had no choice.

Well, he did have a choice of course, but the choice was always easy. Of course he'd stay with Eddy if he was allowed to. At some point the teasing threats stopped and it just became routine instead.

Brett often slept over as well since they often lost time while playing violin duets. It was unexplainable, as if time moved differently in each other's presence.

Neither minded though, they always slept better together than alone. They naturally kept a bit of a distance in Eddy's relatively big bed, but it wasn't unusual that they woke up in each other's arms, a subconscious attempt to elude the cold.

This night was different though. They had fallen asleep with distance as usual, but as Eddy stirred awake while the moon was still out, he once again found himself holding the smaller man.

He looked down at Brett's moonlit expression. That peaceful expression that never failed to break Eddy's heart. What pain did that expression hide?

Eddy didn't think when his hand went up to caress Brett's soft cheek. Brett slowly opened his eyes, meeting Eddy's. Eddy noticed as Brett's eyes faltered and focused on Eddy's lips for a brief moment before parting his own slightly.

Eddy had no control as he rested the hand around Brett's head to bring him closer. Brett's hands fell on Eddy's chest like kitten paws as he relaxed into the chaste, innocent kiss.

Eddy parted the contact but something in him refused to recoil further from Brett, he needed him close. Brett's eyes were half lidded, begging without words. Eddy read them effortlessly and how could he possibly deny Brett what he wanted?

He gently rolled over slightly so that he towered over Brett who laid on his back, before reconnecting their lips, more assuredly this time.

Brett hungrily accepted the kiss, pawing at Eddy's torso to have him closer. Eddy didn't need to do much to turn the boy into a wreck, and he loved that fact so much.

Desire guided Eddy as he reached for the naked skin underneath Brett's shirt, but he was stopped by a small hand around his wrist.

The kiss was broken and only heavy breaths were heard.
"I..." Brett tried to explain, but the words got stuck in his throat. "You won't like it..." he said, a mere whisper that could only be heard in the quiet of the night.

"I promise, Brett, there's nothing underneath this shirt that can change how I feel about you," Eddy whispered back, using the same soothing voice that Brett usually used for him. "Trust me."

Brett searched in Eddy's eyes for a long while. When he found nothing but truth, he slowly let go of Eddy's wrists. Eddy slowly began to trail the outlines of the slim torso, earning a small whimper from Brett as he brushed past a sensitive spot.

He slowly lifted the hem of Brett's shirt, checking again for any signs of panic or discomfort in Brett's eyes. Neither did he find, though the precious marbles contained a worry and anxiety that made Eddy's heart sink slightly. Was this the pain that serene sleeping expression hid?

Moonlight lit up Brett's now bare torso. Eddy couldn't help but stare.

Brett's torso was covered in scars. All very similar. Whips, probably from a leather belt.

Brett crossed his arms over his chest, wanting to shield Eddy from the horrifying view. Tears brimmed his eyes.
"I'm sorry, It's hideous, I know..."

"You're beautiful..." Eddy cut him off.
He couldn't help but stare, not in disgust, but in pure awe. Of course he acknowledged the scars, but the only emotion they evoked in Eddy was hatred for the executer of said scars.

But the scars were a part of Brett and therefore were they too beautiful. They held his story.

Eddy gently took Brett's hands and lead his arms away since they were covering his view. He slowly ran a hand over the skin, causing Brett's chest to heave slightly.

After a while of gentle caresses, Brett had gotten used to the feeling of being exposed and finally associated it with Eddy's loving touch.

He gathered courage and gently pulled at Eddy's hem. Eddy smirked at the signal and proceeded to take his own shirt off. Once off, he leaned down to Brett, one hand on either side of him.

"Let me love you Brett... please..."

"Please do Eddy," Brett replied breathily before reconnecting their lips and this time also their bare chests.

Eddy relished in the feeing of having Brett this close.

Everything felt so complete, so calm.

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