Jealous pt. 1 (NSFW)

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Eddy closed the door as quickly as he had opened it, all colors disappearing from his world as his heart dropped. He had been going around Minjin's apartment looking for Brett to tell him he was heading home.

Let's just say he found Brett. But Brett wasn't alone.

Eddy went home immediately, his sight tunneled and gray the whole 20 minute walk home. The rain was slashing against his face but he barely even felt it.

He had spent an hour in bed, blankly staring at the wall when he heard the door open. Footstep sounds filled the apartment and made Eddy's blood boil with each step. Until he got up.

"Finally home I see," he sneered to Brett who was fiddling by the kitchen. Eddy was leaning against the doorframe.
"Mhm," Brett simply responded, too tired to elaborate.
It only added to Eddy's anger.

"Enjoyed the party, did you?" He commented, the salt in his tone audible.
Brett looked up at him with tired, confused eyes, his usual unreadable deadpan.
"I guess, you?" He replied politely through the confusion.

"Oh don't act so fucking innocent," Eddy finally snapped.
Brett raised an eyebrow at the sudden accusation, this wasn't like Eddy at all. But he was far too tired and post-drunk to find empathy. Instead, he resorted to an easier emotion.

"The fuck? I looked for you for 15 minutes before leaving! Only to hear from Minjin you had already left!" He countered.
"Oh please! I bet you were too busy sucking dick to care!"

Brett was so not ready for that.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Eddy!?" Brett scoffed, not backing down as Eddy got closer.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!?" Eddy yelled, and to his own surprise, shoved Brett, straight into the counter behind him.

Brett was so surprised by the action. Something was hella wrong with Eddy. Never in his life had he seen Eddy violent, ever! On the contrary, he had to be the one to stand up against Eddy's bullies and be cocky for him cause he was too shy.

"What the fuck Eddy!?" Brett exclaimed.
Like a child whose only problem solving skills was revenge, Brett lunged forward to push Eddy, but he miscalculated the strength difference between them. Eddy caught Brett's wrists and let his body fall into his own.

Eddy used the momentum to turn around and pin Brett against the wall, wrists over his head.
"Is this how you like it?" Eddy grinded against Brett's body, drawing out the involuntary cry of a moan from the smaller.

Despite the situation, Eddy couldn't help but find the sound so goddamn beautiful. He needed more, and he needed it now. In the mix of their tangled breaths Eddy exchanged his grip to grip both Brett's wrists with one hand. 'Goddamn big hands privilege' Brett cursed mentally, but that was also the ONLY coherent thought he could conjure at the moment.

With his now free hand, Eddy found Brett's growing bulge. Brett once again reacted upon the big hands, but this time with another involuntary whimper. The sounds Eddy managed to draw out of the smaller were better than any symphony he'd heard. Brett's desperate tries to break free from Eddy's grasp turned more and more half-hearted.

"Do you still feel him?"
The switch finally flipped in Brett's mind. Now he saw what this was about. Are you fucking serious Eddy? All of this, because of that? Brett couldn't help but come up with a revenge plan for Eddy's behavior.

Brett gave off a low, mischievous chuckle.
"If you wanna replace his touch you'd have to go inside."
Eddy's eyes turned dark at the remark.
"Don't try me, Brett."
"I'm not," Brett replied innocently through panting breaths and a grin.

Eddy turned Brett around without hesitation. He roughly pressed to force Brett to his knees. He used his own hands to guide Brett's to the wall.
"I suggest you keep them there, you'll need the support."

Brett couldn't stop the adrenaline surge pumping through him. He couldn't see what Eddy did behind him, but he certainly felt it eventually. The support from the wall became worthless when he fell like a wreck as Eddy's member intruded his insides, no prep, no warning.

Eddy picked Brett's upper body up and held him close as he picked up the pace.
"What did I say," Eddy teased lowly.
Brett was completely gone at this point, not able to respond or move for that matter. He was completely limp and at Eddy's disposal.

And how Eddy relished in that.

"Can you still feel him, Brett?" Eddy continued speaking dominantly while pounding into Brett mercilessly.
Brett tried shooting a feisty response, but his mouth was completely unusable. Well, for words at least. Sounds however escaped just fine.

The breaking point came when Brett had had enough of the half assed affection. He conjured the little strength he had left and leaned back to connect his lips with Eddy's.

Eddy's reaction surprised him though.

Eddy clung onto the kiss like air, stopping all other movement to indulge completely in the deep kiss.
"Eddy-," Brett managed as they broke apart for a mere second, but was quieted by Eddy's lips once again.

Eddy had pulled out to turn Brett around and enable a more comfortable position. He pulled him closer than ever before as he hungrily kissed Brett's lips swollen.

Never had Brett ever experienced such a submissive headspace. He wanted nothing but Eddy, to be tamed and claimed by Eddy despite knowing deep inside how wrong it all was.

Eddy realigned himself and with a few more thrusts, sent Brett over the edge, himself following shortly after.

Once down from his high, it was as if Eddy could see clearly again. Fuck. What had he done?

"Brett? Brett I'm so sorry," Eddy said hurriedly while trying to detangle himself from Brett and create some distance.
"No!" Brett cried out, arms clinging and clawing for Eddy, tears threatening to fall. "Please don't go, hold me, please, just for a little while, please Eddy."

The tears started flowing down Brett's cheeks as he heard the desperation in his own voice, as if hearing it from afar. Eddy was shocked by the reaction, but of course compiled immediately and took the smaller body in his arms.

He rarely ever saw Brett cry, and he'd never seen him this vulnerable, and the fact that he himself might be the reason ate his heart from the inside and out.

"Shh shh shh..." Eddy soothed gently while rocking the body in his arms back and forth.
Brett's sobs continued, hiccups occasionally escaping while his weak hands continued to paw on Eddy like a kitten baking biscuit.

"I'm so sorry Brett, I never meant to hurt you, I promise..." Eddy tried, his voice cracking up despite his best tries at keeping it steady.

Brett tried to respond, but it was as if he was not in control. Brett was in the back of his own head, watching the moment unfold while the front was occupied by the submissive boy who breathed and lived for Eddy and Eddy only. He just needed some more time to come back to his senses but he couldn't even communicate that!

Luckily, Eddy had patience. But he also refused to leave Brett in this state. He picked Brett up, wrapped him in a blanket to cover him up for his own sake, Eddy don't know if he minded or not but refused to take chances.

He then carried the older to the bathroom and tapped up a bath. He tried lifting Brett in but he just wouldn't let go.
"Brett you're gonna have to let go," Eddy tried softly.
Brett really tried to but he couldn't let go. His mind refused him to let go.

Eddy could do nothing more than compile and solve the problem. So he stripped himself and got into the bath with Brett in his arms.

The warm water eased Brett's tensed mind and body. Eddy gently gave Brett all his attention, scrubbing each part of him attentively and keeping him close all the while.

Once Brett was clean, Eddy rested his head against the bathtub and held Brett close to his chest. That's when the wall in Brett's mind finally began to dissolve.

The emotional overload and comfort of Eddy's soothing heartbeat lulled him to sleep.

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