Rival (part 8)

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The annual competition was coming up again. Eddy sat next to Brett, waiting for Brett's turn since he'd already done his performance. He thought back to last year and how much things had changed. He also thought back to his horrible behavior and felt a lump form in his throat.

He saw Brett was equally sunken in thought.

Eddy halted Brett by grabbing his wrist just as he was about to go up on stage.
"Brett wait!" Eddy said before he dragged the boy backstage to a more private space. "I know I acted like a fool last year and I just wanted to make sure you don't hold back for me."

Brett's eyebrows stayed furrowed.
"Are you sure? Cause I can let you win if you want me to..."
Eddy's heart sank. Brett was too kind hearted for his own damn god. He embraced the boy closely.

He parted to meet Brett's eyes.
"I want you to do your very best. Please... for me. I don't care about winning anymore, I just want to hear you play as beautifully as no one but you can. That's what I want." Eddy held Brett's hands. "Will you please play for me Brett?"

Brett's eyes were filled with worry and awe for Eddy's beautiful words.

"Anything for you, Eddy."

Eddy slowly let go of Brett's soft hands, both of them knowing full well that kissing was too risky in this environment.

Brett walked up on stage. The silence was deafening to Eddy. His heartbeat rose with every second until Brett dragged the bow across the strings to engender the first chord of Bach's violin sonata no. 1.

It was as if Eddy was falling freely. Everything raveled and resolved at once. He felt like he belonged. Right there, in the wings of the concert hall with Brett's unsullied music.

Eddy could hear Brett's story fill the notes meticulously, tugging at his heartstrings. He wanted to scream, laugh and cry, but all he did was stare in awe.

He then realized how true his earlier words actually were. He actually didn't care  about winning anymore. All he wanted was to stay there and listen. Get lost in the music. Let Brett lead the way with precise fingertips.

Thea last chord sounded through the hall and a raging applause followed. Eddy couldn't hold himself back. He ran out on stage and hugged the boy.

It took every fiber in his body not to kiss him, the last bit of survival instincts held him back since his brain knew the consequences, especially since his father was in the audience.

Nevertheless he couldn't bring himself to care in the moment.
"You did so well Brett, thank you for playing," Eddy whispered, teary eyed.

Brett absolutely beamed. Never in his life had he received such praise from a person so important to himself.

Nor had he ever in his life played violin like that.

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