Jealous pt. 2

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Never again did they speak of that night, but the trace of it lingered.

The knowledge of Eddy's jealousy became excruciatingly obvious. As soon as anyone else showed the slightest interest in Brett, Eddy was there like a hawk, interrupting the conversation or even daring to slide his arm around Brett's waist.

It shot Brett to the back of his mind immediately, leaving him easy for Eddy to handle. He always tried to stay natural and not mind Eddy's presence, but the memories that flooded his mind left him no choice. Not now when he knew exactly what power Eddy held over him if he only wanted to.

Eddy cursed himself each time for being so possessive over something that wasn't even his. But he just couldn't stop his blood from boiling when witnessing Brett with a flirtatious stranger.

It all cooked down to a moment on another house party, this time at Ray's place. Eddy had lost sight of Brett in the big mansion of a house and tried his very best not to look for the boy since he knew he had no right. Instead, he passed the time watching the dance floor from the sofa. He'd already given up on finding a potential replacement for his desires since they were applicable on Brett and Brett only.

What he didn't know was that a floor down, Brett was slowly getting pinned by the wall.


"You seem like a fine twink, what's your name darling?" The man asked thirstily, his words slightly unclear with alcohol.

Brett felt uneasy with the comment, but compiled nevertheless. A month ago he would have no problem with this kind of attention.
"Brett," he replied obediently.
"Aww, that's cute, don't you wanna know my name?" The man came uncomfortably closer. He ran his sluggish hands up Brett's body and ass as he continued: "so you know what name to moan later."

Brett pushed the man back in disgust, but it didn't work, the man was much taller and stronger. Panic filled Brett's veins and he started struggling frenetically while the man held him against the wall. The bottom floor was empty except for the two of them.

"Eddy!" Brett shouted desperately.
Why he chose to shout for Eddy instead of simply 'help' was beyond him, but he definitely knew his mind had been acting weird ever since that night.
"Eddy! Eddy help!" He screamed desperately with tears now falling.


Eddy had had enough of sitting around with anxiety and decided to leave the party. To hell with everything, if Brett was gone it probably meant he found someone to have a good time with, Eddy thought as he put his hand on the door handle.

He stopped in his steps when his name coursed through the house over the heart thumping beat of techno music. He shook his head in disbelief, but then his doubts got shot down by the sound echoing through the mansion a second time. Eddy dropped his jacket and ran to the sound source.

The scene he found caused his vision to narrow, but not like last time. Last time his world became gray and tunneled. This time, everything went pitch black. He tackled the man who was towering over Brett, looking ready to devour. After two kicks in the man's stomach, Eddy picked Brett up and held him as close as he possibly could.

Would Eddy be a wolf, his growl would rumble threatingly through the hall. The man didn't waste a second more in Eddy's presence, not after looking into those dark eyes. Once the man was gone, Eddy could shift all his focus to the small boy in his arms.

"Brett, are you ok?" He asked, his voice filled with such worry that no one would've guessed existed in him a few seconds ago.
"Eddy, make me yours, please, take his touch away, I beg of you."

The crying words Brett sobbed out broke Eddy's heart and made it do somersaults at the same time. But he couldn't take advantage of Brett in a mind space like this.

"Brett, you're not thinking clearly, let's go home and tuck you in-"
Eddy didn't come further before he was silenced by Brett's lips. This time, Brett was the one to kiss hungrily, selfishly, and Eddy absolutely loved it.

The kiss broke occasionally for air breaks, but Brett always shot himself back, wanting nothing more than to be closer, closer. Eddy couldn't resist but let himself get completely indulged but the addictiveness Brett radiated.

He forced Brett's face aside with a firm hand on his jaw to expose the unmarked flesh of his neck. Immediately he dug into his meal, sucking and biting the skin. Brett was a moaning mess already, he couldn't help but smile as he thought of the marks Eddy was currently leaving and how good they felt as he made them.

"Do you even know how much you've fucked me up Eddy?" Brett's tone was breathy and angry, but when Eddy looked up, Brett had a grin on his lips.

Eddy smiled mischievously at the remark, delighted to hear he had had an effect on the older.
"Frankly I don't, do you mind informing me?" He teased.

Just as Brett was about to start, Eddy ran his tongue up Brett's neck, all the way from collarbone to ear, causing the words to come out as a mere whimper.
"You were saying?" Eddy teased again.
"Fuck you," Brett spat, the smile on his face contrasting to his spiteful words once again, causing Eddy to chuckle.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm already yours. My body refuses anything else. If you're not up for this I'm fucked cause you've completely fucked up my body's system, quite literally may I add."

Brett's clarification put an immediate smile on Eddy's face followed by a soft chuckle at Brett's last sentence. He then pulled Brett close to connect their lips once again, sweeter this time, lingering.

"My heart was always entitled to you Brett."

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