Fantasia continuation pt.4 (Angst + fluff)

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It had been days since he last met Brett in his dreams or had any encounter with their strange telekinetic connection. But this night might actually be the one.

Eddy found himself stirring awake in a hot environment. Too hot. He immediately shot up as he heard Shostakovich 8th string quartet play, realising boiling lava was pouring towards him.
"Shit!" He swore as he ran barefoot across the coal and dust.
Judging by his clothes, this was not his dream. He had to find Brett.

"Brett! Brett!" He yelled as he ran and ran, the heat scorching against his soles.
Until he finally spotted him. In the middle of a meteor crater was Brett.
"Brett!" Eddy exclaimed with relief.
Until he saw what held Brett there.

An enormous ghost resembling the features of a beast, floating around the small boy who seemed paralyzed by its presence.

"BRETT!" Eddy screamed in panic.
He had to remind himself multiple times that it was just a dream as he bolted for the beast. Ghouls can't actually touch anything, he prayed those rules applied to this world as well.

When he arrived he immediately threw his arms around Brett, picking him up and holding him close as the ghost circled them. Brett clung onto Eddy like air while struggle to breathe some in for himself.

"Begone Ghoul! If you want Brett you gotta get through me!!" Eddy stated with so much determination and dominance that he even surprised himself.

The ghost seemed to cringe at that, squirming as if burnt by something before hissing and floating away. Eddy was left surprised by his victory but had more urgent matters to attend to.

"Brett! Brett, are you ok? Talk to me, please," he asked gently but stressed to the hyperventilating boy.
Eddy's voice seemed to give Brett a ground to stand on for his breathing started steadying and he slowly regained control.

"Eddy thank god! I thought that was gonna be the end of me!" He cried into Eddy's shoulder.
"The end of you? Isn't this a dream, that ghoul can't hurt you can it?"

Brett went silent, even his sobs.
"... there's something I haven't told you Eddy..."
Eddy's blood went cold with anxiety.

"I... I'm sick... that was my illness hunting me..." Brett emerged from Eddy's shoulder to meet his eye.
Eddy's worried filled eyes met a pair of teary ones. All the sorrow, the unexplainable fear hidden in those shining globes, that resonating laughter, it all made sense now.

"I'm terminally sick and it's portrayed in my dreams..."
Terminal. The word struck Eddy like a pole to his heart.
"No..." was all he could conjure.

Brett nodded. He then looked back up at Eddy from where he laid in his arms.
"I don't wanna die Eddy..." his voice broke at the words, along with Eddy's heart. "I don't wanna die. I wanna be with you! I wanna play with you! I want to hear you play! I want to meet you..."

Tears were flowing freely from Brett's cheeks as he spoke, sobs and hiccups breaking his words.
"Please Eddy... promise me to keep playing. Maybe I'll hear you from the other side," Brett gave off a heartbreaking smile at the last sentence, and only then did Eddy notice the pouring lava filling the crater.

"No... Nonononono! No!" Eddy yelled desperately as the lava closed in.
He gathered Brett's limbs and held him closer than ever, shielding him from the scorching heat.

'it's portrayed in my dreams'
The sentence played on repeat in Eddy's head as he tried to move the lava away with a rock, but only burning himself in the process.

"Eddy, be careful!" Brett said with furrowed eyebrows as he caressed and blew at the angry red skin on Eddy's hand.
This boy was terminally diagnosed yet cared about a mere burn.

The golden pureness of Brett's heart sent Eddy into tears. He felt so helpless. This was the only light he had in his life right now. Brett was the only thing he had. He was his everything. Everything.

Eddy shook his head and held Brett impossibly closer.
"It's not fair! It's not fair, Brett!" He lamented.
"I know, I know..." Brett cooed, crying too.

The lava was so close Eddy could feel his legs slowly frying. It was now or never. Literally.

He held a hand behind Brett's head, feeling his divinely soft hair as he forcefully connected their lips. Tears mixed and melted into the kiss and Eddy could swear he felt a smile on Brett's lips before everything went black.

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