Chapter 1(Abhay)

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My dream job. I have waited for this job, for this day from the last 6 years. Back in college we had a seminar in which the lecturer told us about S MEDIA GROUPS. That day to now, working at the firm has been my biggest dream even if just as an assistance.

I have waited for so long for this day, that now I can't even believe it when its finally happening. I could have just applied for a job here 6 years ago when I was fresh out of college with a really cool internship experience but I couldn't because my father wanted me to help him with the family business.

But now that my little brother is done with his graduation and internship, he is the one looking after the business while I am chasing my dream to work with the finest management executives of the country. I have been training Akshay, my younger brother for last 2 years and perusing my masters.

I know my dad is not happy with my decision and according to him 28 is the age to get married and start a family not to start a new job when I have a well-established family business and I don't actually need a job. But I don't actually care about his opinion anymore. I have wasted the last 6 years of my life doing what others wanted me to do, its high time I start doing what I really want to.

At least that's what I thought when I left the house this morning but I am quite suspicious about my decision now that I am sitting in the waiting area with other applicants who are all at least 5 years younger than me. I can tell by their body posture and outfits that most of them are freshly out of college and I have never been in a more awkward situation in my life.

My situation worsens when a lady in a black formal stripped dress walks to me holding a tablet in her hand, "Mr. Abhay Agarwal?", she asks me her voice stern and proper.

"Yes, how can I help you?", I reply in the most professional voice that I can manage.

"Mr. Saraogi would like to see you sir."

"Oh...okay.", I answer and stand up my file in one hand and adjusting my tie with the other.

She leads me to a cabin that has the nameplate of PRANAY SARAOGI on it, and the name sounds oddly familiar to me. Ya I have definitely heard this name somewhere; I just can't figure out in this moment.

The girl knocks on the door and someone from the other sides permits us to go inside. As I walk through the door, I notice the interiors of this cabin to be extremely professional with zero traces of any personality. The interior screams only and only one thing that the person to whom this office belongs has a really cold nature and a grumpy personality.

Th owner of the cabin, allegedly Mr. Pranay Saraogi signals me to take a seat before nodding at the lady behind me to leave us alone. She does as instruct and so do I. I forward my file to Mr. Saraogi but he doesn't take it and instead takes a deep breathe which makes me even more nervous.

"I don't need that file Mr. Abhay Agarwal. I know everything about you that I need to. Passed out from college 6 years ago with flying colours and an excellent internship along with job offers from numerous firms. Completed masters in management recently from some online website providing home-based education. Worked in family firm for 6 years and now back to corporate world. Can I know the reason?", he looks at me in a way that's makes my palm sweat and my throat itch.

"Sir, that is a personal reason and I wouldn't want to discuss it in such a professional environment."

"Very well then, Mr Agarwal let me ask you another question. Do you know why you have been summoned here."

"For an interview.", I answer my throat getting drier and drier with every passing minute.

He gives me smile before starting again, "My name is Pranay Saraogi as you would have read on the nameplate, I am the S in S MEDIA. I don't do interviews."

"I am sorry sir, I was told at the last round that I was shortlisted for the final interview, so I figured that was the reason I am summoned here."

"Let's get one thing straight, you are too good and overqualified for the job that you were applying for. Also, you have worked at a private business firm for a long time which makes you experienced as well. So I am striking a deal with you today. You will have to work as a secretary under my sister, the COO of this company for 6 months. If and when she approves you, I will promote you to a managerial post directly."

All I can hear and see at this point was success, but this can't be true can this. I had just applied for an entry level job and the owner of the company himself is offering me a managerial post when he knows that I have zero to none corporate experience.

"I am sorry sir, but I think you have got the wrong person. I have no experience of the corporate world and this is my first job, how can you possibly be promotion to a manager."

"I am not promoting you now, you need to prove yourself to me and my sister if you want this promotion. It's a one-time opportunity Abhay. Take it or leave it."

This can be a joke or a dream but I am not a fool to leave such an opportunity even in a dream which is why I say, "I am ready sir."

"That's good. I know a man has potential when I see one and you my friend have a lot of it. Prove me right in the next 6 months. You will be starting on Monday as the assistant of Sahika Saraogi, my assistant will give you the rest of the details."

Pranay calls his assistant, the same lady who let me in and asks her to escort me and I do as directed. But my actions are like that of a zombie because the name I just heard, SAHIKA SARAOGI. Is she same Sahika Saraogi I met 9 years ago; I hope not but if she is my next 6 months are going to be a roller coaster. Maybe my whole life will be a roller coaster if I get promoted. But if she really is the woman who I think she is, the chances of my promotion is close to zero.


Hey readers,

Here is the first chapter of better together. Hope you guys like the plot of this story.

Do you this Abhay's new boss is a stranger or do you think she is who he thinks she is. Tel me in the comment section.

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