Chapter 18(Sahika)

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So that's how we broke up. Actually that's how Abhay broke me. When I saw hm in that restaurant with that girl, I wasn't sure and wanted to talk to him and sort everything out. But then Sahil did some research and confirmed the fact that the said girl Abhay's fiancé and they were going to get married in some time.

His father had fixed the alliance years ago and the girl was his father's childhood friends daughter. Which means they already knew each other and were aware about the fact they were getting married.

Sahil's words had broken me. I was expecting Abhay deny everything and clear things out. At least plead me not to break up or say that his father is forcing him. But he didn't.

He stood up from the chair and exited the café not even a second after I announced that I wanted to relationship. That shows how desperate he was to break up with me so that he could be with that girl openly. I cried the whole night.

I called my girls and blabbered everything. Kali swear to never even look in his direction while Ashika said she was going to kill him. Ashika called him and gave him a bash but he sounded as if he didn't even know me which broke my heart even more.

Yakshita was the only one who thought that Abhay couldn't do such a thing. She did everything she could do to prove that he was innocent and to bring us back together but everything went to vain. Abhay didn't talk to her when she went to meet him and asked her to stop troubling him.

Years went on and Abhay nearly disappeared from our lives. Just lives not memories I teel you. I started working at S MEDIA after finishing my internship. And when I lost my father, bhaiya took his position as the CEO and I was asked to handle the responsibility of the COO.

I was staring at my open lunch while thinking about everything that had happened since I had broken up with Abhay. I was sitting in my private room that was joined to my cabin when I heard a girly voice calling my name.

KALI, I recognized the voice immediately.

I squeaked in excitement an went outside to find her sitting in the couch in my cabin with a large grin on her face. "Hey", she called out as I went over and sat opposite to her.

"Hey, are you free?", she asked.

"Obviously, you know my whole time table. its lunch time and I am always free during lunch time."

"Good. So can we have lunch together?"

"Ya sure. I haven't touched my lunch box yet."

"Not that boring food.", she took out two takeout boxes from wow Momo and forwarded one to me. "it's a Momo conversation."

"So you want me to do something.", that's what Kali did. She knew how much I loved wow Momo so she gave me a treat every time she wants me to do something.

"Well, yes but it's for your own good"

"I will be the one deciding that", I said opening the box and inhaling the scent of my favourite food.

I picked up a piece with my chopstick and brought it close to my mouth but stopped midway in shock when she said, "You know Raghav is back in town."

Raghav had moved to Bangalore right after college when he got a cool internship offer from there and he hasn't come back in 6 years.

"So? What do you want me to do?"

"He wants to meet you. He said he has got some information for you."

"Information about?", I asked knitting my brows and keeping the Momo back in the box.

"I may have told him about your new secretary.", she said dragging her sentence in dramatic way.

"You had promised to never talk about and to him."

"It's not like I was happy talking about it. But you know Abhay had already told him about his new job and boss" she said pointing onwards me. "He also told me that Abhay had gifted you roses for your birthday which caught me as you hadn't told me anything about it."

I looked down to avoid her questions as I knew what she meant. I didn't tell my friends about the flowers because I didn't want them to judge me about how toxic this situation was.

"Come to main point"

"The main point is we had a long conversation and ended up blabbering about how Abhay had cheated on you and broke your heart but according to him, I had half information and the story has completely different."

"Nope that's the whole story. I have told you guys everything."

"I told him the same thing but then he said something that made me think", she said holding up the box and asking me to eat through her eyes. I picked up the Momo again and stuffed it in my mouth.

"He is wrong.", I didn't even what to know what he said.

"He sounded convinced." I gave her a side eye and she said again, "what's the harm in meeting him once."

I took a deep sigh, "I don't want to Kali."

"As you wish Sahika but remember one thing, this is your one and only chance to prove yourself right to everyone."

"I don't need to prove anyone anything.", I said.

"As you wish Sahika, as you wish.", she said and stood up from the couch and started walking towards the exit of my cabin.

I walked her out to the lift but as I walked back to my cabin, a note on Kriti's desk caught my attention. There was a sticky note on the desk board which had cute doodles of hearts a small lovey-dovey sentence but the main thing that caught my eye was the signature at the end.

It was signed not by a name but just by an initial A. The only person that came to my mind after reading the initial was Abhay. Anger bubbled inside me as I walked to my cabin in full speed pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I called Kali, "I AM READY."


Hey readers,

Do you think talking to Raghav is going to sort out the problem between Sahika and Abhay or it the drama going to increase. Stay tuned to know the next great step in their story.

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