Chapter 11(Abhay)

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Maybe putting 28 red roses on Sahika's desk was a bold move, but when Raghav suggested it, I couldn't stop myself from doing it.

I didn't want to wish her face to face and ruin her birthday, which is why I didn't go to her cabin during the cake cutting. I stuck to my cabin and stared at my laptop but I could clearly hear voices from her office singing the birthday and clapping for her.

Ankit and Kriti had asked me to join them as it was my idea to decorate her cabin and get her favourite cappuccino cake. But I made excuses about work and stayed back. At a point I thought Kriti grew suspicious but she didn't say anything.

I also didn't want to go to the celebration because I was sure that Sahil would be present there, but to my surprise he didn't come up. He didn't even wish Sahika or gave her a present, at least not in the office premises. I as growing suspicious but I pushed the thought at the back of my head.

After a few minutes, the voices and cheers faded as people went back to their desks and cabins to work. I thought the torture was over but then Kriti poked her head into my office and said, "Sahika ma'am has summoned you."

I gave her a curt nod and acted to shut down my laptop. When she closed the door, I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. Maybe she wanted to know the progress with the work she assigned to me.

I stood up from my desk and grabbed my laptop. I walked to cabin and knocked before entering. "Ma'am, you called me?", I asked poking my head inside.

"Yes, yes Abhay. Please come and take a seat.", I did as directed.

"Ma'am if this I about the investor's profile, I will finish it by tomorrow or sure, I have already shortlisted 4 names, it's just one more. Please give me one more day. I can show you list I have prepared right now."

"No, Abhay. This is not about the profiles. Actually, we are getting a new client. It's a skin care brand. Our associates have shown them all of our packages, but according to them something is lacking.", she took a pause, "noting your experience since you helped in your family's cosmetic business, I want you to help our associates with this brand."

"Sure ma'am, it would be my honour if my experience would proof beneficial for the company."

"Okay then, please contact SAHIL KHEMKA from 10th floor. He is the one handling their account."

I froze as soon as I heard the name of Sahil. I thought Sahika was giving me a chance, she said that herself but seems like I was wrong. Seems like the speech she gave yesterday about me being and employee was all just an act. How could she expect me to work with Saahil? How could she even think I will help him?

"I want you to attend the meeting we are having Roy Groups today. You will get to learn a lot, so have an early lunch today and be ready by 2 pm in the conference room.", she said and pulled me out my thoughts.

I was going to speak about Sahil but she changed the topic as soon as I opened my mouth, "Also, thank you for the bouquet, I would have liked it more if you gave it to me yourself."

"I thought you wouldn't want me to be present during the celebration", I said lowering my gaze.

"Why wouldn't I? You are my employee like everyone else who was present there and I don't differentiate among my employees."

"Maybe because of the history we shared?", I asked in a calculative tone unsure of what to expect.

Sahika stood up from her chair and walked the window, "it has been 6 years, we were both young and naive. And now that we work together I think we should look forward to the big picture and thing about what's good for the company. I am sorry for how I reacted on your first day. I was just a bit shocked to see you but, I mean it when I say that I am ready to move on from the past for the sake of this company."

Her words brought a smile to my face, at least there was some progress between us. I was happy with it even if it was for the company, it still meant something to me.

"I am glad, you liked the roses. I think I should get back to work", I said without even trying to hide my smile.

"Yes I did, those roses reminded me of one of my birthdays.", she took a pause and then added, "see you at the meeting."

I stood up from the chair and went to my cabin. I kept the laptop on my desk and sat behind it. Today I saw a glimpse of old Sahika, my Sahika, 18 y/o Sahika and my mind drifted back to her 18th birthday, her "one of the best birthdays".

FLASHBACK (19 y/o Abhay)

"Guys please don't mess up. Do I need to repeat the plan. Let me repeat he plan.", I said but Raghav stopped.

"Bro you already explained the plan 5 times. We will not mess up.", he said.

"Yes Abhay, she is our friend also. We also want her birthday to be special. We won't mess up.", Kali supported him.

"Abhay I think you need to calm down a bit. This plan is perfect. You are getting hyper for no reason.", Ashika chimed in.

"Perfect? Do you seriously think that or are you just trying to please Abhay?", Sahil finally said and I started feeling nauseous the moment he opened his mouth.

"Watch your tongue Sahil. Why are you being so mean?", Yakshita spoke up.

"Because I actually care about sahika and I actually want to make her birthday special. Unlike you people who are just acting to be her friends.", he replied to Yakshita and then turned to me, "you seriously got her flowers for her 18th birthday? I can't believe this. Come on Abhay you are her boyfriend. I am just a friend and even I bought a watch. I don't even know what she sees in you."

I opened my mouth to reply but Raghav put a hand on my shoulder to stop me and said, "Sahil we don't care what you got her and we didn't ask you. You said you don't want to be a part of our plan and we are totally okay with it. But don't try to instigate me."

"Yes Sahil, give her your gift and let us give her ours. Moreover, it's our friend's birthday not a competition.", Yakshita said.

Just the Kali shouted, "she is here, she is here."

"Guys position", I screamed and ran upstairs to my hiding place with my gift.


Hey readers,

so the spoilers and trailers of the  next few chapters are available on my Instagram. Follow talesby_vk for the same.

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