Chapter 8(Sahika)

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I woke up with a really bad head ache this morning. Thank God bhaiya wasn't home to witness it. Apparently he and bhabi had stayed the night at his in-law's house.

My phone was dead when I woke up and our house help told me that one of my college friends had dropped me home. For a while I thought it was Sahil. But one look at my call logs told me a different story. My last dial was Abhay.

I started getting flashes from last night. Me going to club alone, me drinking like a fish, me standing in front of Abhay's house, Abhay feeding me curd, me vomiting in front of him, him dropping me home.

I acted like a total idiot, lie those crazy girls who drunk-call or drunk-text their exes. But I am a little forward, I reached his house directly. I have embarrassed myself to the peak last night. But now nothing can v=be done. I am doomed. I don't know will I face Abhay in- I check my watch- 10 minutes. I will reach office in 10 minutes.

I took a deep sigh and turned towards my driver, he was already eyeing me, "What happened kaka?", I asked him.

"That's what I was going to ask you, you are stressed", he said looking at me through the rear view glass.

"No kaka, I am totally fine.", I lied.

"No you are not, you are pinching your temples just like your father used, whenever he used to be stressed.", Kaka said with a smile. He used to be my father's driver before his death. After that Bhaiya assigned him to me, because he didn't trust any other driver with my safety.

"It's nice, hearing you talk about him like this. You knew him to well."

"Of course I did, he used to tell me everything you know. He used to say I am the best driver he could ever get.", kaka said in a boasting tone.

"That is true. You really are the best driver he could have ever go. He and me."

"So you are not going to tell me about your problem then.", he said looking me straight in the eyes as if looking through me. "By the way we have reached the office."

I looked out of the window and indeed we had reached office. Time always passes rapidly whenever I talk about my parents.


The first thing I did after entering the office was calling Kriti and asking her to send Abhay to my room and the second thing I did was panic about seeing Abhay.

I shifted continuously in my chair, adjusted my clothes and untied-tied my hair 3 times before I heard the knock on my door, tie to put on the mark, I said to myself before saying, "Come in.'

Abhay entered my cabin, his head hanging low and looking at the ground why won't he look at me, "Ma'am, you called me?", he suddenly asked.

That ma'am hit me hard but I regained my composure as soon as possible. "Yes, I wanted to know how far you have reached with the investor's profile. As in how man have you reviewed?", I decided to beat around the bush.

"Not much, I am afraid I am not done with even 50% percent of them, but ma'am I am trying my best. I really am. I am really sorry about my delay, I will-", he said shifting nervously from one leg to another.

"It's okay Abhay, take the whole week if you want to but give me results, good results.", Now he looked up towards me. So he was nervous about the task I am so relieved after knowing that.

"Thank you ma'am, thank you so much. I am so grateful for this extension."

"it's okay, you can leave, now"

He then nodded to me, turned towards the door and started walking, but just as he reached the door he stopped and looked back at me, "I am sorry to hear about your parents.", he said and then went out of my cabin leaving me startled.

This is Abhay Agarwal, expect him to say the right thing at the right time. He had been the same in college, I remember that. Actually that was the quality that made me fall for him.

FLASHBACK (17 y/o Sahika)

My first project in college and it's a case study, I am so thankful about that, I took the help of bhaiya because he has started working with papa and has good knowledge of the industry. But I am still nervous, bhaiya has given me all the right information about the project.

But still first presentation in college is a big thing especially for a girl like me who was known to be a nerd back in school and wasn't at all famous among the students. My grades were always decent and teachers liked me but the students not so much. Bhaiya said they were jealous that my parents were famous and successful. Everybody in my school about my family business.

I didn't want any of these reasons to affect my friends in college which is why I agreed when papa said not to tell anyone about me being the heiress of S MEDIA. I know the reason papa advised me to do so is because he thinks that students may become ambitious and use our friendship as a door to the country's top marketing firm.

Getting back to the project, I was the computer room, going through my slides for the last time before the presentation when I heard a quick bang on the door, I looked around to find myself alone. Even the instructor wasn't there, I think he had went to the washroom.

I went to the door and tried to open it, but as expected it was locked. I started knocking the door repeatedly. I called my friends, Yakshita and Kali but one of them didn't pick up and the other one said she couldn't hear me. I called nearly everyone in my friend circle. But they had a bad connection and couldn't hear me, all of them told me to get to the AV room because my name could be called out any minute soon.

I kept knocking the door again and again, calling out the name of instructor, and just I was going to lose all hope just as I was all prepared that I wouldn't get to present my project today, there was a loud clunk and the door snapped open.

Someone came inside but I couldn't recognize him for moment because my eyes were full of tears. I rubbed my eyes and as the tears went away, clarity kicked in. He was one of my friends, a member of our friend circle, he was Sahil.

"What the hell are you doing here Sahika?", he asked me worry tripping from his voice.

"I... I.... I was stuck here. Someone locked the door. The instructor was also gone. I was alone. I was so scared Sahil. Ashika......she told my name was about to be called out, I ...I don't know what to do. My presentation. What should I do Sahil? What should I do?", I said in hurry tripping over words. Unable to stand straight.

"First of all calm down Sahika and second run to the AV room. Everybody is waiting for you, the teacher has already reached the letter R and our names can be called out any moment now.....come with me I will take you to the there.", he said and held my hand as if to guide me. I pulled my hand out of his hand and rushed to my desk to grab my pen drive.


Hey readers,

So finally i have got 5 readers which means *drumrolls* 3 updates a week, most probably on monday, wednesday and friday.

Also, new character introduced, do you think you are going like Sahil or not?

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