Chapter 2(Sahika)

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I am sitting on the dining table after a 5-hr long flight while my brother is trying to tell me about this new employee he hired to work as a secretary under me. Honestly speaking this is the last thing I want to talk about right now which is why I say, "Bhaiya I trust you. If you hired someone, he for sure would be great."

"That's not all Betu," yes my elder brother calls me betu even now that I am 28, I mean come on bhaiya grow up, but secretly I like being called betu. Only a few people knew this nickname of mine and he is the only one left to still call me that. "I have hired him with a promise that if you give me clean chit after 6 months, he will be promoted to managerial post."

This conversation just got interesting. "Okay what is his experience, what post was he serving in his past firm."

"He did an internship while Rolls marketing."

I wait for him to continue and when he doesn't I speak, "And?"

"That's it."

"You are hiring a fresher for a managerial post!", I can't believe my ears right now.

"Technically, I am hiring a fresher as you secretary.", he says in funny, squeaky voice but stops when I give him a stop kidding me look. He takes a deep breath and speaks again, "Listen I have looked through him, he can be a real asset for the company. Also we need more managers and personals, I can't work these crazy hours anymore. I need to be with Mehak."

So Mehak is my sister-in-law, who recently announced her pregnancy and from that day, my brother has decided that he will cut down his work hours to be present for her. I love her as my big sister and I am crazily happy about the thought of being an aunt. But this news also means that I have to focus more on the company as my brother takes the family as his priority.

Bhaiya knows how sensitive this topic is which is why he has bring that up because it's the only way, I will agree to his decision. But I am still not fully convinced. Giving a managerial post to a fresher just because of a family emergency, I don't think that's right.

No matter how good this person is, I don't think he will be able to learn everything in just 6 months. Also, there are hundreds of experienced people in the market looking for a job. Why can't we just hire one of them?

But I also know that there is no point telling these things to my bhaiya. I think I will have to make him work really hard in the 6 months so that he quits the job himself. But for now I will do what my bhaiya wants me to, "Okay so tell me about this person."

He gives me the widest smile possible and starts speaking, "So his name is Abh-"

My phone rings interrupting my brother I look at it and its Ashika, one of my best friends. I give my brother an apologetic look but he smiles at me, "Take it. I will see you tomorrow.", He says leaving the room and heading towards his room.

I pick up the call rushing towards my room, "Hey Ashika, what's up?"

"Everything is perfect Sahika. What about you? How was your flight?"

"Let's just say I am thankful I can afford business class tickets."

"of course you can bitch, the two of you are like marketing tycoons and can afford anything while I have to work my ass for my stupid boss.", shouts Kali, my other best friend. Okay so this is a conference call.

"I am really sorry about that Kali; you know you can shift to my company any time. I will give you the best position I can.", I say.

"Ya sure and get pissed co-workers who accuse me of nepotism. No thank you.", Kali says in her as usual offended tone.

That's the thing I love about Kali. Even if she always acts offended and childish, she is still the best person at heart and has been with me since all up and downs. So have been Ashika and Yakshita. I met the 3 of them back in college and we bonded instantly.

Well Ashika and Yakshita were friends since school but from that day we became a group, which remind me, "Has anyone talked to Yakshita, how is her wedding shopping going?"

"Have you not checked your phone. She has went footwear shopping today. There are at least a million bridal sandal pics in the group chat.", replies Ashika.

"I didn't get a chance to check my phone. I am glad she is enjoying shopping.", Of course she is enjoying it. She loves shopping. Also, she is the only one of us who doesn't have to worry about work and leaves.

She works as a freelancer marketing personnel exclusively for her father's firm since 4 years now. She says she hates working fixed hours. Well I guess that's in her genes because her brother Neil quit his job 5 years ago to be a gamer.

Also, Neil bhaiya and Ashika are dating for a week now, though I know they have liked each other since high school and were just beating around the bush pretending to hate each other.

"Okay girls, guess whom I bumped into today?", Kali said putting a full stop to our conversation about Yakshita.

"Rohit Saraf?", Ashika makes a guess.

"No, but one day I will.", Kali says. Rohit Saraf is Kali's crush if it isn't clear by now. "I met Raghav.", she continues making me freeze. RAGHAV SHARMA, our classmate from college.

"Are you mad Kali, why are you even taking that douchebag's name.", Ashika whisper-shouted at Kali.

"What, it was not Raghav who broke her heart.", Kali replied defending her.

"Yes but he is the best friend of-", Ashika tried to say his name but I stopped her.

"It's okay Ashika. Kali can meet whoever she wants. And please guys, my heart is too strong to be broken by somebody like him", Well that's true.

"Lie all you want but we know, he did break your heart. You haven't dated anyone since 6 years.", Kali states the truth I have said to myself for so long. He didn't break my heart but breaking up with him did.

"Should me move to lighter topics now?", Ashika says.

"Like what you are going to do on your next date with Neil bhaiya.", Kali said making me laugh.

We talk for 10 more minutes before I hang up the call and go to bed. My head still filled with the thoughts of my college boyfriend.


Hey readers,

Who do you think is the college boyfriend of Sahika?
Also, do you like the bond between Sahika and her brother? I don't have any siblings but I try my best to depict the relationship of my characters and their siblings. Hope I am not disappointing you.

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