Chapter 28(Sahika)

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When I received the text from Raghav to meet him in his room, I had zero idea that Abhay was here in this resort. I couldn't believe my eyes when he opened the door for me. But then as he stood there looking straight into my eyes adoring as if I was some princess, I lost my control and hugged him.

At that particular moment I didn't care that I had promised to remain friends with him. I had no conscious about our surrounding and I didn't even wait to ask how and when he came here. The only thing I cared about at the time was that I had to tell him how much I had missed him in the past 2 days.

And I did exactly that, I hugged him tightly wrapping my arms around his neck and told him that I missed him.

But what he did next surprised me, he patted my head lightly as if healing me and said, "I missed you too smoothie.", He called me smoothie, just like he used to back in college.

I left him and took a step back; I was literally crying when he told me that bhabi had given him my diary and he had come here after reading it. He then handed me some papers and told me to read them.

The contents on those papers shocked me. He had poured down his heart on those sheets just like I did in my diary. It was as if I could literally see through him and into his heart after reading everything that he had jolted down.

My eyes became more and more teary as I read paragraph after paragraph describing his love for me. Towards the end he mentioned how he drove for 5 hours in Mumbai traffic to reach me.

When I finished reading, I was speechless and could do nothing except just stare at him blankly. We sat there silently for a few minutes staring at each other as I wondered what was going on in his mind.

A few minutes later he finally spoke, "Please say something Sahika, you are making me nervous."

"I don't know what to say Abhay, I am out of words. I had no idea you were feeling all this.", I reply lowering my gaze.

"Honestly, I didn't. Not until I read your diary."

I felt a little flushed on the mention of my diary. "Did you read all of it?", I asked thinking of the page where I had scribbled, 'I love Abhay'.

"Yes, all of it", he said smirking at me as if he knew what I was talking about. I felt a little exposed. "In fact, that page was the reason I took the decision to come here."

My fingers trembled as I thought back to the night we spent together in Bangalore. All this feels familiar. I feel scared at the thought of the history repeating itself. The way that night started with a good note and we grew closer just to fall apart in the morning.

The thought makes my skin prick and my fingers flutter, but then Abhay reaches for my hand and intertwines our fingers, "I am here to stay Sahika.", he says looking straight into my eyes.

"You said the same thing last time", I take a deep breath and continue, "I know it was my fault not to trust you. But Abhay, if we fall apart even one more time, I will break into pieces."

"I won't let you break", he says bringing his hand to my cheek.

"It's not just me I am concerned about.", I said to him removing his hand from my cheek.

"Then who?"

"Everyone. Just think about it. If we don't work this time, it isn't just my heart that will be broken. Think about the girls and even Raghav, they literally helped me so much both the times we split apart. I don't want to give them false hope."

"I think you are right; the group has already broken once because I don't want to be the reason again.", he takes a small pause and I think he expects me to say something but then he looks up and says, "What if we don't tell them. I mean for now, we could just keep it a secret for a few weeks or months and then inform everyone after we are finally settled.", when he stops I could see a ray of hope in his eyes. The hope I myself am feeling inside me.

"I think that might work.", I say, "I mean we already know our biggest flaw is communication gap, so we can start working on that and we can tell everyone once we are in a better place."


We eased into the conversation as I told him about everything that had happened with Ashika and Neil bhaiya mentioning the part where I craved for one of those 'grand gestures' for myself to which he said, "I think me driving for 5 hours counts as a grand gesture."

"Of course it does. I have got no doubt about that.", I replied and we both started laughing.

Later that night when I returned to my room, I saw Neil bhaiya dropping Ashika. I and Kali started teasing her but I felt really happy to the core of my heart. I have seen Ashika go through so much in her life that seeing her happy with a guy who loves her so much makes me double happy.

At that moment, I also felt good for not telling them about me and Abhay. This moment is Ashika's and I can't snatch away all the limelight and attention she is finally getting. I don't want to.

"The next day everyone was shocked to see Abhay during the breakfast buffet, since had denied the invitation. But he made an excuse of feeling bad for the not attending the first wedding of the group and everyone bought that. No one doubted us and I was relieved.

He had also told Raghav that we had decided to wait for now since a lot was on stake because of his career and my company.

The day went as smoothly as silk, during the haldi unction while I was dancing on dhol with my girls and some cousins of Yakshi, I saw him clicking some pictures from my peripheral vision. I thought he was clicking group pictures for memories but later he sent me a screenshot of his phone's screen which had my photo dancing freely in my brown jumpsuit. The caption read 'my new wallpaper'.

I heart swelled with happiness with this cute gesture. Honestly the only thing that actually matters in relationships are this cute and minute things that may not be visible to others but can keep the couple tied. It's not about the expensive gifts or long dates, at least not for me.

I made a mental note to change my wallpaper as well once I reach home. I can't risk people seeing my phone down here. We girls are all too comfortable to each other and know all the passcodes. So it's a big no for now.

We tried to find a way to travel back home after the wedding together without anybody getting suspicious but couldn't find one, so we had to stick to our own cars which he sounded quite disappointed about.


Hey reader, 

So our cute couple are back together for good but this time with a twist. Do you think this secrecy is going to be a good thing or not for their future?

I have noticed the number of votes went down after Sahika and Abhay's fight over Kriti. So now they are back together and for good I am hoping the votes to go up again and in case they don't, well I am giving a target for the first time but I think its high time I do so. Its a minimal amount I promise.

Target- 5 votes......

Keep voting and supporting.

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