Chapter 23 (Abhay)

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As I went back to Sahika's room after freshening up and taking a bath, I found her fresh from bath and drying her hair with her hair dryer. I went behind her and took a seat at sofa looking at her reflection in the mirror. I put my elbow on the arm rest and my fist under my chin for support a I stared at her through the mirror.

"What?", she asked me through the mirror in a slightly giggling voice.

"Nothing, you continue.", I replied and continued watching.

After a few minutes, she finished and took a seat next to me. I was still lost in the beauty of her hair but she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes pulling me out of the haze.

I blinked nervously and asked, "Wanna have breakfast?"

"Yeah, let's go."

"Why can't we just order room service?"

"Okay, whatever you say."

I ordered our food and especially asked for extra capsicum in our grilled toasts. I noticed a smile spreading over Sahika's face when I mentioned capsicum. She loved capsicum.

"What?", I asked her after hanging up as I saw her staring at me.

"Nothing, you continue.", she replied mimicking me and both of started laughing.

"So what are your plans for today?", I asked her taking my seat at the sofa again.

She also followed me and sat next to me, "eat, sleep and repeat like any other Sunday."

We drifted into our conversation as I heard the doorbell ring. Our food was finally here. We continued our conversation while eating and even fed each other some bites.

After dinner as we went to wash our hands and I saw Sahika wiping her hands on a towel I said to her, "Sahika pass me the towel."

She looked at me and a large smiled appeared on her face, "What did you just call me?."

I bit the inside of my cheeks to stop from smiling and revealing myself, "I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to call you ma'am after what we did yesterday."

Her face turned a bit pale as she asked, "About that. What does it mean for us?"

"It can mean anything you want it to mean.", I said as went back to the sofa and sat suddenly feeling nervous by the conversation we were going to have.

"You know what I want Abhay.", she said as she came and sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"Then what is the problem?", I asked slowly stroking her hair with my hand as she slowly closed her eyes.

"But what about Kriti?", she asked suddenly.

"What about her?", I asked as I continued to stoke her hair.

She opened her eyes all of a sudden and pilled her head away from my shoulder sitting up straight. "Abhay you don't need to act to in front of me. I know everything about the two of you."

"The two of us?", I asked in surprise.

"Please stop it Abhay. I know that you guys are dating.", she said in a frustrated voice making me even more confused.

"Who told you that?", I asked her hoping in the back of my mind that it was Sahil. Only he could do such a thing as attempt to keep us away.

"Nobody need to tell me anything. I have got eyes Abhay. I saw how she brings you coffee during work and the way you guys hang out after work hours."

"So that made you think that I am dating her?"

"What else? I also saw that lovey dovey note on her desk the other day. And she has already called you twice on this trip."

"What note and when did she call me. I am not understanding anything sahika. Please can we talk a little clearly?"

"The note you left on her desk that was signed by A and the call on which you very lovingly and cutely called her K."

That's when everything clicked into place, "That was Kali, if you don't remember it I have been calling her K since college days."

"And what about the note?"

It could be only from one person Ankit. He must have it with his initial so that people won't know about it but seems like everything turned against, "I don't know anything about it. Could be someone else. I am not the only one in your office whose name starts with A."

"But we have no dating rule in our company."

"So that is why you had send me company's policies, because you thought I was breaking them and dating Kriti?"

"Yes.", she told me fidgeting with her hair strands.

"Sahika I am not dating her I promise."

"Are you sure Abhay? Because everything-"

"You don't believe me. Do you?", I didn't let her finish.

"It's not that Abhay. I just.", she stopped mid-sentence as if she didn't know what to say next.

"I can't believe you Sahika. After everything we have gone through how can you doubt me about such a thing. I haven't even looked at any girl since the last 6 years." I took a deep breath and moved my hand through my hair, "You know what, I think this was all a mistake. Last night was a mistake. Trusting you again was a mistake. And above all forgiving you for doubting me was a mistake."

"Abhay please just listen to me once.", she said grabbing my hand but I freed my hand from her grip and walked out of her room banging the door harshly on my way.

I went to my room and sat the whole day there without having lunch or talking to anyone. Raghav called me once but I didn't respond and he didn't disturb me anymore.

It was dark outside when I heard a knock on the door, I thought it was room service or cleaners so I opened the door without asking and the sight that greeted me was something I hadn't expected.

Sahika was standing in front of me wearing a beautiful white sundress with her long black her straight and open. She was looking amazing just like she used to back in college.

I had seen her in casual clothes after so long. Even in the flight she was wearing light formals. Last night and this morning she was in oversized comfortable clothes but right now I see her, I feel as if I am back in college.

After a few minutes I regained my composure and tried to close the door but she held the door and stopped me. "Abhay please listen to me once."

I couldn't argue with her when I was this hungry and she was looking so beautiful. So, I left the door and went inside my room to sit on the couch. She followed me inside my room and closed the door.


hey readers,

I know I might have stepped on your hearts because o this chapter, but I just want to request you to please trust the process.

Hope you guys wont hat or kill me after this update.

Keep voting and supporting.....

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