Chapter 22 (Sahika)

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I came down to the bar after freshening up and ordered my favorite hard drinks one after the other. I was already feeling low by the Abhay had ignored my multiple attempts to start a conversation but the feeling heightened the minute he got that call from Kriti while we were going to our room.

He said to her and I quote, "have I ever lied to you?", such a flirty and cheesy line. And he even had the audacity to give me a smirk when I looked at him. And that was the moment I knew I am going to need a drink today.

As I sat at the bar enjoying my drink a man in denims came to me and asked if he could buy me a drink. I couldn't be more disgusted. He looked like a total chapri. These kinds of men see a girl with a drink and immediately form an opinion that the girl wants a one night stand. I hated them which is why ignored him.

But he was too stubborn so he asked again, I replied in a quick no, but them he bent a bit on the bar counter and asked for the third time. I kept my glass on the table and stood from the stool to leave the bar but he held my hand.

How are these kinds of creeps even allowed in such sophisticated hotels, I thought as I tried to rescue my hand but he didn't let go and took a step towards me. I was just about to shout but then a hand came from my left side and rescued my wrist.

I recognised the new person to be Abhay immediately. Abhay said something to the creep which made him run from the restaurant. He turned towards me and asked me in a warm and soothing voice, "Hey! Are you okay?"

"I couldn't be better.", I said looking down at his hand which was still holding mine.

"How much have you drank?"

"Not much. I promise.", I said pinching my neck with my free hand.

"okay", he said in calculative tone. "Have you had your dinner?", he asked being concerned.

"Nope. Not yet.", I said mesmerised by the fact that he still hadn't left my hand.

"Okay come with me.", he said to me and gently pulled me towards a table. "I have ordered too much. Would you mind helping me finish?', he asked and I nodded my head while grinning wide.

We sat together and had our dinner and then we headed towards our rooms but as he went a step ahead of ne towards his room leaving me at the door of mine, it made my heart cry.

I stopped by holding his elbow and said, "would you may be like to watch a movie or something?".

He stared blankly at my face for a few seconds as if trying to scan it and then gave a curt nod, "Yeah sure."

I took out the key card to my room and opened the gate. We walked inside and turned to see him already seated on the couch and scrolling through his phone.

I went and took the seat next to him, "I didn't ask you to come over so that could use your phone."

He raised his gaze and looked into my eyes keeping the phone aside, "then why did you ask me to come over.", his question caught me off guard. "I know it wasn't for a movie.", he continued when I didn't say anything.

"I...I wanted to...I wanted to apologize. I know Kali told you everything and I feel really bad. I shouldn't have doubted you.", I kept blabbering without even looking up at him. My eyes were fixed on my knees when suddenly his fingers grabbed my chin and made me look up.

Before I could even utter a word or understand what was happening his lips were on mine. I was stuck in the moment and didn't even blink but then he left my lips and moved a little back. My heart cried with the loss of touch.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to.", he said and started to stand up but I caught his hand pressed my lips on his.

I left him after a few seconds and looked straight into his eyes, "We shouldn' Sahika. You are drunk and you probably don't want this."

"I am not that drunk Abhay I know what I am doing and I know what I want. Until and unless you don't want it."

"Are you mad? I have been dreaming about this moment since the day I entered your cabin for the first time.", he said and then started kissing me hungrily.

We moved to the bed and the night was full of kisses and hugs. It was like we had never broken up. He tasted same as 6 years ago, only better if possible.

I don't know when and how but both of us drifted off to sleep in each other arm. I was the best sleep I had had in such a long time. Everything felt so peaceful and calm with his arms wrapped around me.

Next morning I woke up to find a strong hand wrapped around my waist. My back was pressing again his chest and I could tell him breathing in my hair. I turned around carefully trying my best not to wake him up but it seemed impossible with how close we were.

As I finally turned around to face I found him taking deep breaths and making ruffling sound from the back of his throat as if he was going to wake up. And then as he opened his eyes and looked at me, "Hey".

I said, he didn't reply to me but leaned forward to kiss me but I pushed him by the shoulder and quickly pressed my palms on my mouth, covering it. "What?", he asked.

"I haven't brushed yet", I aid without removing the palm off my mouth.

"Staying away from you is a greater inconvenience for me", he said in his rough, morning voice making my heart jump. He leaned in again to kiss but this time I nudged him hard and stood up from the bed.

"Go get freshen up.",  I said.

"But I don't want to leave you."

"I am giving you 15 minutes.", I said in a stern voice and walked towards the washroom without looking back.

After a few seconds, I heard the door closing and couldn't help giggling. As I stood alone in the washroom brushing my teeth, some doubt crept into me.

Last night had been a moment of spark like we couldn't resist after what happened in the bar. But now that I was staring at my reflection on the mirror and I had time to think, I was wondering what it meant for us and especially for his relationship with Kriti.

Hey readers,
There is a slight chance that the next few updates will be coming up late because there is some issues with my laptop but I promise they I will compensate....
How did you like this chapter and the developement in there relationship? They are finally coming close and i am super excited for the next chapter... I hope u are too
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