Chapter 14(Sahika)

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Throughout the day, my eyes kept drifting towards the bouquet that Abhay gifted me. Even while going home I couldn't bear to part ways from it so I decided to take it home with me.

My mind knows that it's kind of toxic for me to feel so attached to the gift by my ex but sometimes you need to follow your heart more than your mind and today is one of those days. I decided to leave for home early as I was supposed to meet the girls for dinner as a part of my birthday treat.

As I left my cabin and went towards the lift, I found Kriti eyeing me. I don't know why, but everything about her is irritating me since moment I found her giggling with Abhay this after-noon. The moment I saw them, anger bubbled inside me and the felt burning sensation all over my body.

I gave her a side look and walked towards the elevator with the flowers in my hand. Generally I inform her before leaving the office and also instruct her about everything that needs to be done the next day before I come. But today I decided to skip the ritual.

I walked to the elevator and press the button. While waiting for the elevator, I could not help but take a sniff of the flowers. The roses smelled amazing.

As I was taking the pleasure in their scent, the lift opened and I saw Abhay coming out. He had his laptop with him and a furious expression on his face.

But his face changed completely the moments he saw me. Our eyes met and a smile appeared on his face. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks, but I lowered my gaze when I realised that he had seen me smelling the flowers he got for me and no he knows that I am taking them home with me.

I was just going to enter the lift when I remembered something. I turned around and saw him going towards his cabin.

"Abhay", I called him and stopped in his tracks. He turned around to look at me.

"Yes ma'am", he asked me.

It feels so annoying yet so pleasurable whenever he calls me ma'am. Annoying because I feel as if he is taunting me for the way I behaved with him on his first day here. And pleasurable because I have the upper hand in our arrangement.

"I have accepted the offer by the Roy's. We are visiting their head office in Bangalore next weekend. You are accompanying me", I said to him in my bossy tone.

He took a deep breathe. I get it. He is frustrated and tired. He has already got 3 tasks in hand and I am adding more. But if he needs at least how to handle pressure if he wants the promotion.

"Next you will ask me to accompany you to bed", he whispered in frustration.

His words angered me. He is poking me again, "Is there a problem Mr. Agarwal", I asked regaining my bossy demeanour.

"No ma'am.", he said and turned towards his cabin.

I entered the lift and could still feel anger bubbling in me.

When I reached home I handed the flowers to hose help and asked her to keep it in a vase in my room. She was shocked as I never brought bouquets and flowers home. Not anymore.

I walked to my room and laid on my bed without changing and closed my eyes drifting to sleep.

After some time, I was awaken by a soft knock on the door. I lifted my gaze to find bhabi standing by the door. I immediately sat up and pressed the heels of my palm to my eyes, slowly rubbing them.

Bhabi came in at beside me, "How was your day?", she asked and moving her hands towards my hair.

"It was good bhabi, I locked in a new deal."

"Oh I see", she said moving her hands towards my hair to remove the rubber band and free my black hair from the pony tail. "So you got flowers huh?"

"Yes bhabi, they are from an employee. I liked their smell so I brought them home.", I said gently leaning in to her touch.

"By any chance, is this colleague an old friend?", she asked.

My eyes widened as I stared at and her, "YOU KNOW", I shouted.

"of course I know, I knew it the moment Pranay told me your new secretary's name."

"Bhabi please don't tell bhaiya about him. He will kill Abhay if he finds out what he did."

Bhabi knew everything about Abhay since day 1 of our dating. She was bhaiya's fiancé but we became real good friends when we first laid eyes on each other. That is the reason, I told her about him thinking she will help me convince bhaiya and my parents when we finally decided to get married. Little did I know that she will have to help through my heartbreak and to move on.

"You still care about him huh?" she asked me, as I laid in her lap.

"Not like I used to.", I felt her gently patting my head and untangling my hair with her fingers.

"Is he married?", she asked suddenly opening my old wounds.

"His profile said otherwise but I am not sure."

"Why would he lie in his profile?", she asked and I straightened into a sitting position.

"I don't know bhabi. I really don't know." I said bringing my hands back to my hair and eyes.

"Sahika, I have already told you but I am still repeating it. By everything you have told me about him and everything he did for you back in college I don't think he could lie to you about such a thing. I think there is something wrong. He couldn't do such a thing."

"But bhabi why would he agree to break up with me if had not done it. If he loved me so much, why didn't he fight for me?"

"Well, there is only one person who could answer that.", she said looking straight into my eyes.

"Igetting late bhabi.", I said getting up from the bed and going to the washroomto freshen up before meeting the girls.


Hey readers, 

This early update is because I wont be updating for the next 2 weeks as I am having my exams and I am going on a social dry spell. The birthday drama isn't over yet. 

So, see you after a few days I guess.....Until then,

Keep voting and supporting.

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