Chapter 16(Sahika)

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I and the girls were enjoying food and drink in a private chamber in a restaurant when I saw Abhay entering the restaurant. How does he always find me? Why are we always end up at the same place? I wondered and didn't realize when I zoned out staring towards him.

Kali shook my shoulder to pull me out of my dreams and saw him looking here and there. I turned towards the other side to hide myself, but my gaze was fixed on him.

I saw him walking towards a table, and then I noticed a girl sitting on that table. He patted that girl and when she turned around, I saw that it was Kriti. I gritted my teeth with anger.

They sat together and started chatting. She had a wide smile on her face the whole time and Abhay listened to her carefully as if there was nothing more interesting on this earth except for her.

After a few minutes, we exited the restaurant but Abhay was still sitting there with his new friend. I went outside with my friends and the went away in Ashika's car while I waited in the parking lot inside my car.

After a few minutes I peeked inside the restaurant through the glass door. I saw Kriti and Abhay hugging again and Kriti leaned a bit to press a kiss against his check. Then Abhay turned towards the exit and came outside. I sat in my car and went home but Abhay saw me which I was trying to start my car.

I couldn't sleep the whole night as thought of Abhay and Kriti invaded my mind. I had also send a mail to Abhay about the policies of our company highlighting the point that office romance wasn't allowed at S MEDIA GROUPS.

I thought he would get my hint and back off but he didn't. He was determined to get Kriti maybe even cheat on her and hurt her like he did to me.

The first thing I saw as walked towards my cabin this morning, I saw Kriti inside Abhay's cabin and both of them where talking and smiling. Then he slowly sipped his coffee and exchanged his cup with Kriti's.

Anger rushed through my veins as I saw him doing such a personal thing with her. I tried to calm my nerves but couldn't, next thing I knew I was walking towards his doorway and said in a bossy tone, "Looks like my assistant has become yours now Abhay."

Kriti gained her demeanour as soon as possible and went towards her desk. Abhay looked confused for a few seconds but then he diverted his gaze towards his laptop and started typing again. I gave him a deathly glare and went towards my cabin.

I wasn't in a mood to work after everything that had happened, so I took a few minutes break. I can't work in such a negative environment; I plugged in my headphones and locked the door of my cabin after setting a timer for 30 minutes.

When my break was over I found Shil standing outside my cabin with a slight smile on his face. I got up and opened the door for him, "Why are you standing here?", I asked him while calling him inside.

"I didn't want to disturb your me-time." He said coming inside and sitting opposite to me. "Are you okay, how is everything with your new secretary going."

"Everything is okay till now.", I lied. "Bhabi saw those roses yesterday and she immediately guessed who could gift them to me."

"What was her reaction?", he asked earning a sigh from me. I told him everything I had discussed with bhabi and about her confusions.

"I don't know what to do Sahil. On one side, I want to believe bhabi. I mean Abhay had done so much for me back then, you had seen it all by yourself." I took a pause waiting for his response but Sahil just nodded and I continued, "and then there is this other part of me that believes everything that you had told me about him. This part of me believes that he did cheat on me and all those years ago had been lying to me while secretly being with his ........ fiancé.", the last word made my throat dry and memories from our few last days together rushed to me.

FLASHBACK (22 y/o Sahika)

Life has been quite hectic for me these past few months as I started with my internship. None of my friends got internship in the same college. Raghav had to go to Bengaluru even. I had requested papa to offer me an internship at S MEDIA but he declined saying that I have to build my own path.

Even Abhay didn't get an internship at S MEDIA even after being the topper of our batch. Sahil was the only one to get it. He was the only one who could impress our college professors enough to let him apply at my company. I have not seen any of them in the last week. We have all been too busy but today I am meeting Abhay for movie as tomorrow is a Sunday and we will all be free.

A few minutes before our decided meeting time, I received a message from Abhay saying he wouldn't be able to make it because of some family event. I tried calling my girls but everyone already had plans. The only person available was Sahil. So went to the movies together as the ticket were pre-booked by me.

After movie, Sahil asked me if we could have dinner together and I agreed since I had already told my parents that I will reach home late. We selected café near our college in order to cherish our old days and relieve our old memories.

As we entered the café, I saw the most painful sight of my life. Abhay was sitting inside the café with his arms wrapped around a girl. My heart shattered; I could not believe my eyes.

Everything clicked in my head. The way he had been avoiding me for the last few months, and not discussing his future with me like he used to. His plans after internship were unknown to me but now I think I know who he shares them with. I thought of going to him and confronting him. But before I could do so a strong arm pulled me outside.

After a moment, it came to my notice that the arm belonged to Sahil. He wrapped me in his embrace and patted my head softly while I felt apart in his arms. After a few minutes I took a step away from him and calmed myself. "I need to talk to him Sahil."

"No you don't Sahika. Listen to me. Give me a chance. First let me try to find out on my own, if I am not able to find anything then you can go and confront Abhay. Please I am just asking for two days."

I thought for a few minutes and then found his idea to be accurate. What is that girl really is his family, like a cousin or something. And even if he is cheating on me and I confront Abhay he might get a chance to refuse his deed or make excuses. I need prove and only Sahil can get it for me which is why I say, "Okay, I will do as you say."


Hey readers, 

Apologies for not updating yesterday so you guys will be getting double update today.

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