Chapter 24 (Sahika)

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All I did after Abhay left was think, think and think. There was no doubt that I was wring and Abhay never dated Kriti. I knew I messed up big time.

Abhay had forgiven me for what I did 6 years ago, but I repeated my mistake and this time he was even more hurt. I had to do something, make a big gesture and convince him that I won't do this ever again but how.

I was deep in thought when my phone rang. It was Kali. "Hey how is your trip going?", she asked me.

"It was going just fine but I messed up."

"What did you do now."

I took a deep breath and told her everything that had happened since last night. She sounded furious when she said, "Are you and idiot?"

"I know I made a mistake by doubting him. But what can I do now?"

"Sahika your mistake was not doubting him. I man it was a mistake but your biggest mistake was kissing him last night."

"What do you mean? I thought it was the best time for us to get back together now that we knew the truth and he had forgiven me."

"No babe, you are not understanding this. You guys have been apart or too long and a lot of things have changed for both of you. Look at yourself, you have changed so much. The Sahika he knew was a hard working student and intern not the COO of her family's company. She was full of life and a fashionista who, loved wearing sundresses and Kurtis, not someone who sat on her desk 24/7 wearing boring formals."

"So does that mean he would have changed too?", I asked.

"Of course. And you guys need to know each other as what you are now and then decide if you really want to get together. Become friends and see if things work out for you guys."

"I think I know what I need to do."

"Good. You go girl. Win him back but with sensibility, not passion."

"Got it Kali, thank you so much. I love you."

"I know baby and I love you too."

After she hung up I decided to get ready, I wore the only sundress that I was carrying and opened my hair straightening them quickly and then I went to his room taking a deep sigh.

I knock on his door and stood there nervously waiting for him to open. After a few seconds he opened the door and scanned me from top to toe. He was going to close to close the door again but I stopped him by putting my pam on the door, "Abhay please listen to me once", I said to him.

He didn't say anything but left the door open and went inside his room and sat on the couch. I hesitated for a moment but then followed him inside and closed the door behind me. I went to the said couch and sat beside him.

He looked at me and scooted towards his side maintaining the distance between us. I took a deep breath to calm my heart and then looked at him, "I am really sorry Abhay.", I said to him.

He looked at me again and said, "for what?", his blank expression was confusing me. I couldn't make out if he was still angry or not.

"For not trusting you."

"This isn't the first time you have done it. Why apologize now?"

"Abhay I know you are hurt but-"

"That's the point Sahika, every time we come close I am the only one that's hurt."

"You know that isn't true."

"Then tell me what is true. I ama dying to know it.", he stood up.

"I am here to propose a truce, at least hear me out once.", I said standing up as well and standing next to him.

"Go ahead I am listening.", he said turning towards me and putting his palms on his waist. It seemed like an attempt to scare me.

I took a deep breath and continued, "I understand I did a big mistake by doubting you and I am accepting it. But you will also have to accept that we can't get over each other especially when we have to work in such closed proximity."

"What are you trying to say. Please come straight to the point."

"All I am trying to say is we should start with friendship, he gave me a confused a blank look, "try to understand this, it's good for the company and for us. We can learn to work together and get to know each other on a personal level again."

"What in it for me?", I asked.

"Your career. I am your incharge Abhay. After 6 months I will be the one deciding if you will continue in S MEDIA or not. So if you accept this truce and work with me, it will help me make a fair decision."

"So you won't make a fair decision if I don't accept the truce."

"That's not what I meant, I just want to say that working with you as a friend will help me know you better and decide wisely."

"So you expect me to forget the last 6 years and act as if nothing has happened between us."

"Please, Abhay all I am asking is for one chance."

He took a few minutes to calculate everything and I was just about to accept my defeat when he finally said, "Okay I am in."

I was so happy and excited that I somehow stopped myself from jumping up and down. I gained back my consciousness and forwarded my hand towards him for a handshake, "So friends?"

He gave me a side glare before shaking it, "Friends."

I stayed with him for a few minutes trying to hold a conversation but all he gave me was dry replies. Then I decided to go back to my room and call it a night.

The next day I woke up with full energy. As we went to office and signed the final contract, I tried to talk to him number of timed but without seeming desperation. He gave a genuine reply this time and sounded better than last night but we still weren't totally comfortable.

When I reached home Monday afternoon bhabi noticed my changed mood and behavior. She enquired me about the events of the weekend. I told her everything and she assured me that I had made a good decision and I should continue my attempts.

Her words felt really good but couldn't change my mood. She understood my state of mind and took me out in the evening.

We went to Juhu beach and the cool sea breeze made me feel really good. We sat on the sand for hours and talked about nothing and everything. We had some street food on our way back to home.

By the time I reached my room again there was a huge smile on my face all thanks to bhabi. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I would have been so sad and alone after my parents death if she wasn't here for me.


Hey readers,

I hope the ache from the last chapter is soothed a bit now. They haven't split for good you see. And yes Abhay is stupid I agree with you all, but well who isn't.

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