Chapter 27(Abhay)

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Since I had returned from Sahika's house yesterday, I tried my best to restrain myself from reading the diary. I didn't even take it home with me, kept it in my office drawer to supress my urge to read it. I thought I would be submerged in work and won't think about it so much.

But this afternoon, while I was having lunch alone in my cabin just provide privacy to Ankit and Kriti, I could no more keep myself away from the diary. I took a deep breath and pulled the diary out from my drawer and started reading it.

The details mentioned in it were too much, I knew that Sahika still loved me but the way she had portrayed the memories and moments we shared in her diary had me shocked.

I started reading the first entry, it was written on the day we returned from Bangalore. There were some watery spots on the page which made me think if she had cried while writing it. Just two paragraphs into the entry and my suspicion was confirmed.

I could see her heart and guilt through her words. She was really ashamed of the way she had doubted about me and Kriti. After a few seconds a sob escaped my lips when I read the line, "I would go back in time and slap myself for doubting then the very first time if I could".

As I turned the page, I saw 3 words scribbles throughout the page a hundred times. The words were, 'I love Abhay'. I wanted to close the diary and throw it across the room. But I also wanted to go on.

I looked around myself and decided to continue reading. There were tear marks on pages where Sahika had expressed her guilt. But there were some pages on which she had expressed her happiness about the slightest progress she had noticed in our relationship.

She described even the slightest of handshakes and praises in a way that made me sound like an unattainable goal. After 5-6 entries, I had lost everything in me to continue reading and closed the diary. I wiped my face with my palm and realised I was crying too. I walked back to my desk and started working, but it seemed next to impossible now that my heart and mind were full of Sahika and her emotions.

After staring at my laptop blankly for the next half hours, I decided that I needed to sahika and talk to her. I couldn't wait 2 days to do so. I immediately stood up from my seat and started packing my stuff. Kirti gave me a confusing look on my way out but I ignored her. At this point only Sahika mattered to me.

I went home and packed in a hurry before leaving for Yakshita's wedding. I told my mother about my departure and went off. According to the internet, it was just 2 hour drive to the resort but it took me nearly 5 hours due to the traffic hours.

At one point I messed up and took the bridge when I didn't have to. Google maps really need to add this feature. I had travelled more than a kilometre when I had to take the U-turn.

By the time I reached the venue, the sangeet function had already started and I could see Sahika standing near the stage. She turned around and I thought she was going to see me but a group of uncles passed me at that very moment and obstructed her view.

She turned around again but before she could see me Kali pulled her to stage. I thought of going to the front so that she sees me from the stage, but someone then Raghav came from somewhere and pulled me out into the hallway.

"What the hell are you doing here?", He asked me.

"I came to meet Sahika. I need to see her now.", I replied.

"Are you mad? What do you mean you want to see her now? Do you want to create a scene in Yakshi's wedding?"

"I am going to do no such thing. I just want to talk to her for a few minutes.", by now I could see the frustration on his face.

"Oh, so now realise your undying love for her. Couldn't you just wait for a couple of days?"

"No Raghav, I couldn't.", I told about the photo frame and the diary keeping the diary's true content to myself.

He took a few minutes to digest everything and then replied after letting out a deep sigh, "I get where you are coming from Abhay, but I don't think this is the right time for you." He took a minute to examine me and then continued, "do one thing, come with me to my room and freshen up first. You look like you haven't bathed in days."

"I have been diving for 5 hours straight."

"Wow, that's a new level craziness."

"that's called love, you will understand it once you fall in love yourself."

"We will see, but for now come with me and after you look like a sophisticated man, we can think of how to get you to Sahika without anyone knowing."

"Why can't anyone know? They are all our friends."

"Because Sahika doesn't want them to. Listen it's a bit complicated so just come with for now.", he said and took me to his room.

In Raghav's room, he told me to order room service for dinner and sat beside explaining how Sahika was insecure about us and the lack of progress in our relationship. She didn't want to give anyone hope, especially now that Ashika and Yakshita were both settling down.

Thank God she had confessed all this to Kali, or I would have messed everything again.

We sat in silence for a few minutes but then a thought crept into my mind. "Can you bring Sahika to this room after the function is over?", I asked Raghav.

"Yes sure", he agreed and there was a glint of happiness in his eyes as if he could read my mind. But that's quite possible after all we have been best friends for over 10 years now.

I sent Raghav away to the function as I thought people would get suspicious, if they found him missing all of a sudden. I still had more than 2 hours before the function is over.

I wanted to make this evening special for us, but how could here in this hotel with no supplies, and then it occurred to me. I called the reception and asked for a pen and few papers which were delivered under 5 minutes. Great service.

I ate my dinner and go to work. I didn't even realise I had so much filled in me even 7 pages felt short for everything I had to say to Sahika. Just as I was done, a text from Raghav notified me that Sahika was on her way to the room, alone.

I hid the papers and dimmed the lights. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and I rushed to open the gate. Sahika was looking purely beautiful in her pastel green ghagra, she looked up from her phone and was about to say something but the words got lost in her mouth when she saw me.

I smiled and got lost in her eyes as she took rapid steps towards me and hugged me tightly. "Abhay....... Abhay I missed you so much.", she said in a shivering voice as if she was about to cry.

"I missed you too smoothie.", I said calling her by her old nickname.

She released me and took a step back, "Did you just call me smoothie?", she asked as a sob escaped her lips.

"I couldn't control myself after reading your diary.", I said and she stared at me in shock, "your bhabi gave it to me. But now that I have read it, I want you to read something too.", I said taking out the papers from their hiding and giving them to her.

Hey readers, 

Thank you for keeping trust in me and continue reading even after the speed breaker that had occurred last week in the story.  There are approximately 15 more chapters and I am looking forward to completing the story soon, so ya that's good news for readers who only read completed stories.

I hope this chapter made you happy and I promise next one going to me better.

Anybody who wants to read the full letter written by Abhay.
Follow me on Instagram at talesby_vk and dm for the pics.

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