Chapter 20(Sahika)

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"But he walked away. He didn't even ask the reason of break up. He agreed so easily as if he was just waiting for the moment. As he wanted to break up with and was just waiting for me to say it." I said to Raghav.

We were sitting in my cabin after office hours. I had taken his number from Kali yesterday and asked him to come meet me after office hours. I didn't want to meet at a café or restaurant since it was a very private topic and I wouldn't like people listening to us.

"Then why did he not marry her?", he asked all of a sudden. "According to you Abhay wanted to break up with you so that he could marry Rashi but why do you think did he not marry her?"

His question caught me off guard, "I don't know ask him."

He let out a deep sigh and said, "I don't need to. Because I know Sahika. I know it all.", he took a pause and looked at me as if trying to figure out what was going on in my mind.

"Sahika, he had always loved only one girl and that was you. His father had fixed his alliance with Rashi but they never even got engaged. He didn't want to break up with you. He was ready to fight his father."

"Then why did he walk away?", I asked the question again a bit louder this time. I was getting frustrated.

"Because he was tired Sahika. I had asked him the same question, tried my best to at least get him to talk to you once. But he was tired. A lot was going on for him, his father has fixed his alliance with someone he didn't like that too without his permission. His dream company, your company" he pointed out towards me "had rejected his internship request. His father was forcing him to join the family business and the only thing that made him happy, which was you was walking away."

"You don't mean that.", my eyes got a bit teary.

"I do. I have seen him missing you. He was hurt. You had hurt him."

"But I saw him with that girl. He was hugging her."

"He was just consoling her."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I know him. You know him too; you just don't want to believe it. You are too blinded right now Sahika.", he said and stood up to leave but I stopped him.

"Raghav I need some time. Can you give that to me? Please don't tell Abhay anything about what we had talked today."

"He knows, he already knows. Kali is meeting him today to know his point of view."

His words shocked me. "Shit!!", I said to myself.

"Think wisely." He said and after a pause, "I think I should leave."

He turned around and went towards the lift while I sat there replaying our conversation in my mind. I needed to talk to someone but who. The first person that came to my mind was Sahil but I decided against it.

Sahil had been warning since the day Abhay had joined and if told him about everything he would probably think I was falling for Abhay again.

We are leaving for Bangalore so I had to take the decision today itself. I thought of bhabi and her words to me on my birthday. Yes she was the perfect person to talk to right now. She has always given me best advice and she won't take sides.

I went home and talked to bhabi but she said the things same as Raghav and left the decision on me. When I told her about the multiple thing I had witnessed between Abhay and Kriti she said that Abhay could be bored and tired of waiting for me.


I couldn't sleep the whole night. I kept twisting in bed and waiting for sleep to drift over but it didn't. Which is why I arrived at the airport with a large coffee to keep me up and sunglasses in order to hide my eye bags.

I tried calling Abhay after entering the airport but he didn't respond. I waited for a few minutes before calling him again, this time he did pick up. "Good morning ma'am", he said in a cold voice which made stomach turn up and I regretted having cheese toasts for my breakfast.

"Where are you? I am waiting for you at the airport.", I said to him.

"I am in the line for boarding."

"What? Why didn't you wait for me?", I asked him.

"I didn't know I was obligated to. We both have our separate ticket detail and I seriously had no idea we had to board to together."

"It's okay, I will see you inside the flight then."

"Yeah sure, by the way I didn't apologize.", he said and hung up without even saying a goodbye.

I get it he was pissed. But this was not at all what I had expected his behaviour to be. Maybe a bit rough but not this cold. I pocketed my phone and walked towards the check-in counter. I was running late.

As I entered the flight I saw Abhay engrossed in a call. I quickly walked to my seat and sat down on the window seat while Abhay had taken the aisle seat. Yes we had business class tickets so there were just two seats.

It was really difficult to move into my seat as Abhay didn't even flinch or squeeze let alone stand to let me pass. As soon as I sat down and took a sip of my coffee I heard him saying, "I am switching off my phone K. Take care and don't worry too much about me.", and then he hanged up. But the only thing that registered into mind was K as in Kriti. Looks like he really in moving on.

I took a deep breath and turned towards him, "good morning Abhay", I said to him.

"Good morning ma'am.", he replied without looking at me. Every time he calls me ma'am something inside me break.

"You can call me Sahika."

"I don't think would be appropriate ma'am.", he said that awful word again. I was going to say something but my phone interrupting us. It was bhaiya, I had forgot to inform him that I had reached the airport. He might be worried.

I picked up the call and had a quick conversation with him but when I hung up I saw Abhay had already fallen asleep. I let out a sigh and picked up the magazine to read after putting my phone on flight mode.

This was going to be a long flight and I already knew it. 


Hey readers,

Guilt and indifference is the new angle to our story. Hope you are liking it. For how long do you think is Abhay going to ignore Sahika and treat her like trash? I hope not for long. What about you?
Also, now that the week is over I am going back to my old schedule and now I will post thrice a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday.....enjoy

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