Chapter 17(Abhay)

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Recently my life has been a mess recently. I regret every decision I had ever made in life including dating Sahika. She is no doubt the best girlfriend that I could have ever got but this relationship is no longer healthy for her. Everything in my life has been going wrong lately including my career and my family.

A few days ago I was planning on telling my parents about my relationship with Sahika. I was all set to give them the shock but they gave me a shock instead. Apparently, my father had already a found a girl for me.

He had decided my whole life for me, whom I would marry, when I would marry, and what I would do in my life and all the three things gave me heart attacks.

There was this girl named Rashi who was father's childhood friend's daughter. I had two years to get to know her and then he would get us married at the age of 25.

I always knew that my father was a controlling person and he loved to take decisions for others. But I thought they were decisions like where we would go for vacations or what we would eat for lunch. Not something as intense as marriage and career.

I thought about all this as I waited Sahika in our regular café. I had organized this date and I was going to tell everything to her today. A part of me wanted to give her the transparency she deserved while another part wanted to keep everything a secret.

It wanted her to stay away from all the mess and enjoy her life like she is. It didn't believe that she could handle such and didn't want her to feel burdened. But today I will tell her everything.

I have been postponing it making silly excuses to myself and to her but I guess its high time now and she deserves to know.

Two days ago also I had thought the same thing, when we had planned on a movie date but at last moment I got cold feet and rescheduled the plan. But later I was thankful about the rain check because I got a Rashi and she requested to meet me.

I was expecting Rashi to talk about our father's decision and I was prepared to tell everything about Sahika and the fact that I am going to back off from the wedding as soon as my internship gets over.

But what she did and said shocked me completely. She was also dating someone; she wanted to marry him and requested me to stop the wedding. She even started crying thinking I won't listen to her. And I had to console her wrapping one hand over her shoulder and caressing it.

I was lost in my thoughts when I saw Sahika sitting across me. Her face was red and she was missing her glow, "Hey.", I said.

"We need to talk.", she said without replying to my hi.

"Okay, go ahead."

She took a deep breath and looked me straight into my eyes, "We need to end this relationship.", she said.

"You are joking right?", I asked.

"No Abhay, why would I joke? I really want to break up with you. I can't do this anymore. Everything has become really tiring and it isn't fun anymore."

I couldn't believe this. I was planning on how to tell her about my family and my alliance with Rashi while she was trying to break up with me. I had been feeling like shit for days about hiding things from her and she doesn't even care because she wanted to break up with me.

A single deep and sarcastic chuckle left my throat as I stared into her eyes. "Okay, as you say.", I said standing up from my seat ang walking to the exit of the café.

I didn't wait for her answer. I couldn't. She broke me. Her eyes broke me. There was no remorse in them. She actually wanted to break up with me.

I was waiting for cab at the gate of the café when I saw Sahika exiting the café and going towards a car. I thought about talking to her now that my anger had cooled down. I wanted to know the reason of this sudden break up at least.

I took a step towards her but stopped the moment I saw Sahil exiting the said and walking towards her. I immediately turned around and walked I the opposite direction as anger bubbled up in me again.

When I reached home, I found Rashi's parents already present there. Apparently, she had told her parents about her boyfriend and now they wanted to cancel this alliance. After they left I retarded to my room and sat there for the whole night staring at Sahika's pictures. I couldn't believe we had actually broken up.

After everything we did for each other. Every trauma we pulled each other out of. It all went into vain. My life with her was full of happiness and joy. We completed each other. Everything we had done together always yielded amazing results. Results it would never have yield if I ever did those things alone. We were so good together; we were better together.

My phone ringed. I ignored it for once but it rang again, and I looked at it to find Ashika calling me, 'Hey?', I said picking up the call.

"What the hell have you done?", of course she had called to talk about Sahika. What was I even thinking.

"Ashu, I don't want to talk about it."

"But you will have to."

"How could you such a thing?", she blamed as if I was the one who initiated this break up. She couldn't blame me just for walking out of the café.

"How could I do such a thing? Well your friend forced me to do it. She left me no option."

I said and hung up without waiting for a reply and then blocked her. I also blocked Kali and Yakshita. Raghav promised me he would never talk about Sahika to me and about me with any of our other friends.

Yakshita dropped many times at my shop trying to talk to me but I didn't listen to her and eventually even she tired off and stopped coming.



Hey readers,

The reason for their break up is finally out and I know this is going to cause a lot of opinions and hazards but I just want to say trust the process.

Hope you guys liked the double update.

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