Chapter 5( Abhay)

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I had expected many reactions from Sahika and prepared myself mentally for each of them, reactions like indifference, denial, bossy, etc. But rage wasn't one of the which is what threw me off guard.

But it's not her fault, I guess. She wasn't expecting me there. I was the one thinking of possibilities and preparing my mind for each one not her, she had no idea her new secretary was her ex- boyfriend. But how couldn't she? She knew me more than anybody else. How couldn't she figure out it was me by just reading the profile. Couldn't she see the similarities. Maybe she didn't want to.

Whatever was the reason for her anger, I know I didn't deserve it. She told me I was using the "wrong tone" with her. But what could I do, I tried to convince her that the profile belonged to me. That I was the one chosen for this job but she won't just listen and when she finally did believe. It was not me; it was her brother. Did she really think I was lying to her? I was hurt and the words just slipped out all by themselves.

Kriti told me that Sahika left for home because she "wasn't feeling well". It was a lie obviously; did she really think I will buy that. She always does this, whenever she finds herself in a tough situation she scoops out of the place with lies like "got a family emergency", "not feeling well" and of course her favourite one, "have to be somewhere". So she hasn't changed that much I guess.

The cherry on the cake is I'm supposed to go through the profiles of every potential current and then short list 5 of them for Sahika to have an official meeting with. There are 28 of them and I have to do this in just two days so that Kriti can fit those meetings into Sahika's next week's schedule. I guess I will have to at home also if I want to finish the work in the timeline.

I had just finished the third profile when I heard a knock on the door. I lifted my head and found a man standing there in the professional clothes, "Hey Kriti told me, you are new here. Its lunch break. Wanna have food together?", he said with a small smile.

"Sure.", I said. Then I closed my laptop and grabbed my lunch. We walked to the cafeteria together. He introduced himself as Ankit.

He worked as the IT technician under Sahika which basically means he was the one sole person responsible for all the technological needs of the whole floor. I felt it was a big responsibility considering how bossy Sahika sounded this morning. I didn't tell him that.

I guessed Sahika doesn't want people to know about our history and how I already know her by her reactions this morning.

In the cafeteria, I spotted Kriti sitting alone. She waved at us and we walked to her. Ankit sat on the chair opposite her with his eyes fixed on her and I took the chair beside him.

"I am so sorry if I was rude to you today.", Kriti said to me with a cute smile on her face. "Sahika ma'am wanted to test you because of the special contract you know, so she told me to be extra harsh on you."

"Wont she be angry if she comes to know, you are being friendly with me now.", I asked teasing her to which she and Ankit laughed.

"She isn't here right now and who is going to tell her. Also, she can't control what we do during lunch break. We can talk to anybody we want."

"That's why I was waiting for break to apologize to you.", this time it was Kriti.

We started having our lunch and both of them told me numerous things about the company and people I will be working with. I noticed that Ankit's eyes were stuck on Kriti more than they were on his food. I think I know what that means.

Kriti finished her food before and excused us. That is when I turned to Ankit, "you like her", I said to him. His cheeks turned red but he tried to deny it.

"Like who?", he said without looking at me.

"I am not stupid Ankit. I can see that you like Kriti. Have you told her yet?", I asked him.

"No. And promise me you won't tell her either.", now he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Why? Are you afraid she would decline?"

"No Abhay, I am afraid she will accept." He said with a sorry face.

"What is that even supposed to mean."

"This office has a no dating policy. I am afraid she will say she loves me back but then we won't be able to do anything about it."

I felt ad hearing that. Bad for Ankit of course but for some unidentifiable reason I felt bad for myself as well.


The first thing I did after reaching home was going to my parent's room. I told them about my first day and how awesome the place is. My was very happy and listened attentively while my father ignored me. That's what he has been doing since the day I told him that I don't want to work with the family anymore.

We had dinner together, me, my parents and my brother. Akshay was quite excited about my office and kept asking me questions about the corporate world. I could tell by the looks on my father's face that he is not liking it.

After dinner I went to my room, usually I watch TV with my family at this time, but today I had to work. As I still had a good 19 profiles to review. I decided to work for 3 hours and go to sleep at 1 am so that I can get the 6-hr sleep.

I had halfway through the second my profile when my phone rang, it was an unknown number. First I ignored it due to the scams happening these days. But then the same number called me again. I picked up the call thinking that maybe someone had an emergence.

"Hello", I said in a deep and tensed voice.

"Hey handsome", the dizzy voice from the other side froze me. It was someone I never expected. It was Sahika.


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Sorry for late update I was busy with a family emergency.

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