Chapter 12(Sahika)

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As usual bhaiya dropped me to college before heading towards office. I expected to see Abhay leaning against his bike waiting for me near the entrance like every day. But surprisingly, neither could I see him nor his bike.

I entered my college and found Yakshita and Kali sitting on my bench, talking to each other. I rushed towards them and said, "hi guys"

"Hey birthday girl", they replied together and a smile appeared on my face.

Both of them stood up and they hugged me. When released from the hug I noticed a flower in each of their hands, a red rose.

"Is that for me?", I asked them instantly in a joyous tone.

They shared a look among themselves and then forwarded the rose to me, "Of course, who else could it be for."

I took the flowers room them, "thank you so much guys, this is really beautiful.", I said to them.

The roses indeed were really beautiful and being from a business family, I had always received expensive gifts such as phones, jewellery items or designer clothes and accessories. But a small thing like a rose brought immense pleasure to my heart.

"By the way, where are others?", I asked instantly as the thought of Abhay crossed my head.

"Do you want to know about everyone, or do you want to know about you dear boyfriend.", my cheeks turned red at the mention of the word boyfriend. It has been a month since we started dating and these people just won't stop teasing us.

"Everyone, of course", I said hurriedly.

"Well Ashika and Raghav have went for class and I don't know where Sahil is.", Kali finally said.

"And what about Abhay?", I asked again.

"Oh.. about him," Yakshita started saying but there was a tinge of tension in her voice, "he hasn't come yet, I think he is running late."

"Or maybe he is not coming today.", Kali interjected and turned to me, "by the way Sahika did he call you last night?"

No, he didn't, I thought to myself. I waited for his call whole call but he didn't call. After an hour I thought that maybe he had slept and I myself went to sleep.

"Actually-", I started to say but someone came from behind and stopped by keeping their palm on my eyes to close them.

I realised he might be Abhay and he is trying to surprise me so I turned instantly, "I knew you wouldn't-", I stopped mid-way when I saw the person standing in front of me was SAHIL. My smile fell instantly.

"Happy birthday baby", he said and forwarded a gift.

"Thank you so much", I opened the gift and saw a watch-box from GUESS.

"Sahil I can't accept this. This must be too expensive.", I said to him returning the watch.

"Come on Sahika, did you really think I will give something as cheap as flower. No. I wanted to gift you something that suits you.", I felt very bad for the way he insulted Kali and Yakshi.

"Okay then, I am accepting it.", saying this I started going towards another bench where I saw Mansi sitting with her friends.

Mansi was Sahil's twin sister. She was in the accounts department of our college. I had just met her once her twice but I knew that she was really kind at heart just like her brother.

"Hey Mansi.", I said and she stood up immediately.

"Hey, Sahika. Happy birthday.", she said coming forward to hug me.

"Thank you so much. And now your return gift.", I said forwarding the watch to her.

"I can't take that; Sahil turned the whole store upside down before selecting it."

"I can take it either. It's way too expensive for a birthday gift. Please take Mansi."

She looked once behind me at her brother and then took the box from me. "Thank you Sahika. I knew you were someone who would fall fancy and expensive gifts.", she said and the bell rang.

I gave a look to Kali and Yakshita and all of us rushed to our classes.

In the class I could see Ashika saving us a seat near the AC and the window just as I like. The glass covered window on the right side of our class looked over to the beautiful garden and work station which I loved.

"Thank you so much Ashu", I said hugging her. "The moment they told me you had went to class without meeting me, I felt very bad but right now I am feeling on top of the world, these tinges of happiness feels great."

"Happy birthday Sahika, we will always try our best to stay with you and keep you happy.", she said forwarding me a rose.

"Wow, I got 3 roses already let's see how many more I get", I said.

Suddenly I felt Abhay's presence around me, I turned around but couldn't find him. I felt really bad. Was he really not going to come on my birthday? Was he really not going to wish me?

As the class began, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Abhay again and again, I was really hurt. How could he do this to me? Did my special didn't even matters tint to him.

The class got over and we exited the classroom but on the door I saw Raghav leaning against the wall, when he spotted me he pulled out a rose from behind and offered it to me, "Happy birthday Darling.", he said to me.

"Thank you Raghav.", I added the rose to my collection and said, "did you guys plan to give me the same?"

"of course we did.", Ashika said.

"By the way Sahika, did you sign up for the debate competition?", Raghav asked me?

"What debate competition?", I asked

"You don't know? Our college has taken part in a fest and one of their events is debate. You should go to the activity room and register now if you want to participate.", Kali chimed in.

"Okay I will go right now, thank you so much for informing me Raghav."

I said and rushed towards the activity room.

As I reached the activity room, I was startled to find no one there. There was no registration going on. I thought that I was late and the registrations are over.

"This is my worst birthday ever, first my boyfriend doesn't wish me and then I can't even participate in the fest.", I said in a slow voice trying to control my tears. And suddenly the lights went off.


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