Chapter 29(Abhay)

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Yakshita's wedding had been the turning point of my life. I will be honest; Sahika had really scared me when she voiced her fears about us falling apart again like we did back at Bangalore.

But the last five weeks has been the evidence of why we should be together. We have had the best times of our lives in this one month. Dates, long drives, long walks, all night calls, sneak peaks in office, stealing kisses when no one is looking, name the thing and we have done it all.

I feel so blessed to have her in my life, especially now when she is sitting right in front of me on the sofa in her cabin completely submerged in her laptop.

She has left her hair open today. She has started doing that a lot since we got together. I lean forward and push a loose strand behind her ears. She finally looks up.

"Abhay we are in office.", she says while blushing.

"I know I reply leaning to the back of my sofa."

"Then don't do these things. What if someone's sees us?"

"So what? You are the boss, no one can fire you. And the only person who can fire me is you."

"Still Abhay I don't want people to find out and start gossiping about us. Add in the company's policy and it gets even more complicated."

"Ok then let's go on a date. So that I can flirt with you freely."

"Right now?", she asked and I looked at my watch.

"You are right, it's still two hours before office gets over."

"I don't want to go on a date wearing formals.", she said making a baby face and looking down to her outfit.

"Okay then, go to your place and change. I will pick you up after finishing my shift. But this date has to happen."

"Or I can pick you after changing. What say?"

"Ya that works, I like being you passenger prince.", I say making a fake crown over my head and she starts laughing loudly keeping a hand over her stomach as if it's hurting.

The urge to just lean down and kiss her was massive but I to control myself, not that I will keep the control on our date tonight.


As soon as my work hours finished, I got a text from Sahika saying she is waiting for me in the parking. I rush to pack my things and got inside the lift. When the lift reached the 10th floor, Sahil entered the lift and stood beside me.

He noticed my urgency and asked, "Rushing somewhere?"

"Yep.", I replied without looking in his direction. I don't want to have small talk, at least not with him.

He was just about to something more but the lift dinged open in the underground parking lot. I got out and went in the direction of the personal space that's just for Sahika and Pranay sir.

All the other parking spots are on the opposite side including mine which means Sahil won't be coming in this direction and there is no possibility he might see us. Thia makes me wonder what ae we going to do with my car.

I was thinking about the same when I reached the required parking lot and saw Sahika standing against her car wearing a beautiful dress she looked completely mesmerizing in.

I reached her and took her into a back hug, "someone is looking hot."

"Now you know why I didn't want to go wearing formals.", she said tilting her head a bit to the side to give me access to her neck.

"I definitely do.", I said and bent down a little to place a peck on the side of her neck. She shivered slightly because of the contact.

I left her and swirled her around so the now we are face to face. "You look good too.", she said bringing her palm to my check.

"You don't need to lie to me, I have been wearing this since 9 am. I am probably stinking."

"When someone offers you compliments you should know how to take it.", she said taking her palm away from my face. "It's not like you are working in a sweaty, crowdy factory. Our office is fully air conditioned including your cabin."

"Who said anything about the air conditioner?", I asked as I took her hand and placed it back on its prior position. "It was the girl working next to me."

I saw as a light blush crept over her cheeks.

"I think we should leave; we have got a reservation.", she said pulling her hand back this time more because of shyness than irritation.

We got into her and she pulled out of the parking. As soon as we got onto the road, she reached forward and enter wined our fingers together. "Perks of automatic cars", she said in a giggly voice.

"Hey, I was thinking what are we ging to do with my car."

"Just leave it where it is, I will pick you up tomorrow and drive you to office....... If that works for you.", she says looking up towards me.

"Yes it absolutely does.", I say bringing our joined hands towards my lips and placing a small kiss on her knuckles.

She blushes again and diverts her attention back to the road.

After reaching the restaurant, we pick a table in the front side and sit down. As soon as we sit down I notice Sahika shifting uncomfortably, "Hey, are you okay?", I ask her.

"Oh yes I am totally fine. It's just that I felt as if someone was keeping an eye on us."

I look around us but find no such thing. Everyone is busy with their food or their conversation, "There's no need to worry. I am here with you.", I say as I reach forward and squeeze her knee pa bit to reassure her that we really are okay.

"Ya I think I am just being paranoid."

The waiter comes and we order our food and then I try to build up my courage to say something I have been trying to say for all the whole day, "Sahika, I......I was thinking......"

"Hey why are you so nervous? You can tell me anything. You know that right?", she says and reaches for my hand holding it in hers.

I look at our joined hand and finally get the courage. It snow or never. "I think we should tell our friends about us."

She looked a bit stunned for a moment and I regretted opening my mouth but then a smile creeps over her face, "I have been thinking the same for the last few days. I think we known each other enough to finally take the next step."

"Are you serious?", I ask not believing how I got so lucky.

"Of course I am serious. Let's do this. This Saturday, let's take them out for a lunch and just tell them everything. Kali is going to be so happy."

"They are going to be happy. The lunch sounds perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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