Chapter 10(Sahika)

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Sahil entered my cabin without knocking and sat on the chair opposite my desk, "We need to talk Sahika.", he said.

"Just give me two minutes I need to finish this review.", I said while reading the document on my laptop but suddenly a hand came and closed my laptop's screen.

"What the hell Sahil? What kind of behavior is this?", I asked to Sahil.

"I said we need to talk.", He said with gritted teeth.

"don't use that tone with me Sahil, if you have forgotten let me remind you I am your boss."

He took a deep sigh and said, "I haven't forgotten anything Sahika but seems like you have."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh please, quit the act. I saw him in the cafeteria. How could you hire him? Have you forgotten how much he hurt you?"

"First of all I didn't hire him. Bhaiya did. Also, I think we should keep our personal and professional lives separate."

"Have you lost it Sahika? This is not some TV show. This is real life. I can't let you do this. He is going to hurt you again."

"Do you think I am that week? That I will get hurt by the same person again?"

"Sahika I know you are not week but I also know you lose your senses when it comes to him. Please fire him Sahika. I can't see you hurt again."

"I am afraid that isn't possible, we have signed a six months contract with him. Moreover, if bhaiya thinks that he is good for the company, he probably is. So it's better if you quit that idea."

"But Sahika--"

"Let's just leave him alone Abhay.", I interjected.

"My name is Sahil.", he said in an angry tone and I realised what I just said.

"I am sorry."

He stood up from his and walked towards the window, he stood there for a minute and then pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Don't you think you have been smoking too much these days?"

He turned his head and looked at me, "And you are the to talk?"

I knew he was indicating towards my drinking, "I don't drink regularly. Also, it was you who suggested that drinking could help with my grief after I lost my parents."

"That's because I wanted to help you but clearly you don't need it anymore you got somebody else for that."

He said and walked out of my cabin.

I could feel a throbbing pain in my head, but I decided to ignore it and get back to work. I should probably go talk to Sahil but he wouldn't listen to me now. He is boiling with anger and I decided to give him time to calm his anger.

Everything will be okay tomorrow, we never fight for more than a day, especially when the next day is my birthday. Sahil always gets me something nice and fancy on my birthday. I have told him many times that he doesn't have to spend so much money but he doesn't listen to me. He says that my birthday is the only day he gets to spoil and cherish me.

I was lost in my thoughts about my plans tomorrow with my friends, Sahil and of course bhaiya-bhabi, hen Kriti entered my office with her iPad and my work phone.

"Ma'am, I just got a call from ROY GROUPS, they are ready to collaborate with us on that new campaign you planned on e-marketing."

"That's great Kirti, please get me a meeting with them as soon as possible."

"Ma'am, actually that the problem. There head of e-marketing is leaving for London tomorrow night so we will have to do the meeting tomorrow."

My smile faded. I don't work on my birthday and Kriti knows that but this campaign is very important for our company and its growth which is why I say, "No issues Kirti set a meeting for tomorrow after noon."

"But ma'am tomorrow is your-"

"Just do as I say Kirti."

"Okay ma'am", Kriti said and left my cabin.



I woke up this morning to a hundred messages and bhaiya knocking on my door. I stepped down my bed tying my hair in a bun and opened the door to find bhaiya-bhabi standing with a cake and a cute teddy bear in their hands.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETU", both of them shouted together and I smiled.

"Thank you both of you please come inside." They came inside and I went to brush my teeth and freshen up.

When I came out my coverlet was folded neatly and the cake kept on my desk with flower petal and the teddy bear was cutely seated on my bed along with 4-5 more gifts.

"Bhabi you didn't have to make my bed; house help would have done it."

"It's okay Sahika, you know I like pampering you. You are my first child Afterall."

Her words filled my eyes with tears of joy and I hugged her tightly. Bhaiya also joined our hug and it turned into a group hug.

I cut the cake and fed it to them, after that I took a bath and had breakfast with both of them. Bhabi had prepared the breakfast herself. All of my favourite dishes were prepared and set on the table.

Then we went to the temple together to thank God for giving me a good year and prayed for an even better one ahead.

I went to office direct from the temple. Everyone greeter me and wished me accept for Sahil. By the time I reached my cabin, with hands were full of bouquets and cards.

In my cabin I found a beautiful cake on my desk and my cabin was decorated with flowers. Kriti was putting candles on my cake. She stood up and turned to me as if she felt my presence, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA'AM.", she said to me.

"Thank you so much Kriti. but you didn't have to do all this.", I said pointing towards the decoration.

"Obviously we had to ma'am, it's the first time you have come to office on your birthday. Of course we had to make it special"

I wanted to ask her what she meant by "we" but then I found a bouquet of 28 red roses on my desk and I knew who could have done it.


Hey readers,

i know its a small chapter but my exam are on the door so you will have to adjust for a while.

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