Chapter 6(Sahika)

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I went home straight from office, but I didn't rest. I couldn't keep my mind empty or else I will start getting flashbacks from those days back in college which is why I opened my laptop and started making presentation and writing my pitch.

I was supposed to present these to my potential investors next week which meant I had ample time to prepare them. But I still did it in one sitting. It took me around 5 hours to do so. By the time, I was done with the presentation and the pitch, the lunch time was over and now that my work was done I was starting to feel hungry.

I went down to the kitchen, but the house-help informed that bhabi was out for the whole day so she hadn't made lunch since she assumed and I and bhai would be at office and no one was going to eat at home today.

She offered to make some noodles for me but I didn't want to eat noodles which is why I decided to go out. I knew calling Ashu would be no use, since she never left her office during office hours until and unless it's an emergency. So the first call I made was to Kali but didn't pick up. Maybe her boss is torturing her with overwork again. He always does that. At least that's what Kali says.

So, I ended up in this café with Yakshita. I had a meal with Yakshita she took one look at me and instantly knew something was wrong. Why else would you want to have lunch at 5 pm in an overpriced café on a Monday, she said

I told her everything about today and she listened silently. That's so not her. Me and Ashu are the listeners of our group while Yakshi and Kali are the speakers.

After I was finished she finally spoke, "I get it Sahika, things like that happen do sometimes happen but you need to agree with your brother that Abhay can be a really big asset to your company. We saw him at college. He was perfect at his work all his projects and assignments were the best."

"What are you implying Yakshi?"

"I am implying that you should give him a chance. Maye not to Abhay the ex but definitely to Abhay the employee. You know he deserves it."

"I am giving him a chance."

"I am telling you to give him a fair chance, not to act like you are giving him a chance while you load with extra and unnecessary work hoping that he quits before the contract ends."

"Maybe you are right but what will I do if he actually succeeds, if he actually impresses me and bhaiya and then gets that manager position."

"Then you let him have it. You need him Sahika, your company needs him. You can't defy your company because of your past. This company is your father's legacy. Think what he would have done, if he was here with you."

Yes, my father isn't with me anymore. He died; both of my parents died 3 years ago in an accident. Remember when I told my bhaiya is the only person left who calls me betu, this is what I meant.

"I think you are right; my father would have h=kept his personal and professional life separate. It's time for me to do the same I guess."

"You go girl. I know you can do it but if at any moment you feel alone call me, text me, just give me a missed call or a blank text anything and I will be there."

"I know that Yakshi. Thank you so much.", I stood up and gave her a hug. We went to the counter and I paid for our meal.

I booked a cab to my place. I hadn't brought my car because I wasn't feeling good enough to drive. Yakshi offered me a ride but I declined as our houses were in the opposite direction.


Maybe I should have taken the ride Yakshi offered. That way I wouldn't have ended up outside my ex's house at 10 pm.

The first thing I did after Yakshi went was changing my drop location. I went to a park near my college to calm my nerves. The nerves that Yakshita had unknowingly heightened by mentioning my parents, this place always helps.

Instead today it didn't, this place is so close my college that I could actually see the top of the building, which eventually heightened my nerves even more, as all the memories of me and Abhay rushed back to me.

So after seating there for 1 hour, I decided to do the second thing that provides me comfort. I went to a pub and I drank, it was just supposed to be a drink or two. But one thing led to another and I ended up drinking and dancing for 2 hours straight.

I was so drunk that I can't even walked straight, but you know what I can still do, I can still make a call which is why I call the ex-boyfriend, my Abhay.

Which is why I am standing in front of his house right now and calling him. First time he didn't pick up the call. Is he trying to ignore me. He can't ignore me; I am the boss. I won't let him, so I dialled again.

This time he picked up finally.

"Hello", he said in a deep voice. His voice melted away all my anger and brought back all the love I have felt for him.

"Hey handsome", I said, trying not to sound too drunk.

There was a small pause on the phone and I thought Abhay had hung up but then he finally said," Sahika is that you?"

"Of course it's me. You know me soooooo well, you can still recognize me by my voice."

"Are you drunk?", how did he know that.

"No!" I decided to lie.

"Are you lying?"

"Yes", I couldn't lie more than once in this drunken state.

"When did you start drinking?", he asked me in a surprised voice.

"Justa couple of years ago."

"Okay", now he sounded sad, "by the way, how do you have my number?"

That's such a stupid question, I palm slap my head but end up slapping my nose instead.

"I am the boss Abhay, I have everybody's number.", then I did the craziest thing. I said in a hushing voice making it sound like a secret, "I also have everybody's address which is why I am standing outside your house right now."


Hey readers,

it feels really hectic to write and uploat just for 2 readers so if i dont get more readers before end of may, i am going to stop publishing BETTER TOGETHER.

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