Chapter 7(Abhay)

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"I am standing outside your house right now", Sahika said in a hushed voice making it sound like a secret. And her words started ringing in my head.

This can't be happening; this is my worst nightmare coming to life. I need to do something, "stay where you are, don't ring the bell. I am coming outside." I can't let Sahika ring the bell and wake everyone up at this stage especially when she drunk.

"Don't tell me what to do. I am the boss", she said in a louder voice. There is no point arguing with her. Which is why I kept my laptop aside and rushed outside. I grabbed my car and house key from the key holder. And slowly opened the door, trying not to make any noise.

I was successful, but then as soon as I stepped outside Sahika shouted, "Hey handsome I am here.", I got a panicked by her voice and the door slammed loudly instead of softly. There was a loud thud and I suspect my mother would have woken up because of that sound.

So I pulled Sahika to the other side of the lobby, the side that wasn't visible from our doorstep. "How did you come here?", I asked her.

"I told you I got everybody's address"

"Yeah I know that but how did you come up here. Didn't the guard stop you?"

"Nonoo, the guard was sleeping. So I just swooped into the lift.", she said that no in a tune as if singing a song.

I am going to kill that guard. I am going to complain the building authority.

I was lost cussing the guard in my mind Sahika said, "Aren't you happy to see me?".

"Of course I am happy to see you. I am always happy to see you."

"You don't look happy", she made a baby face.

I smiled a large fake smile and sad, "Do I look happy now"

"Yes.", he said quickly and loudly like a child.

"Shhhhhhh", I said with my fingers on my lips.

"Shhhhhhh", she copied me.

I took her hand in mine and directed her towards the lift.

"To your house."

"Are you dropping me?", she said in her Drizzy voice.


"Do you know my address?", that took me by shock I had dropped Sahika home once or twice back in college, but I wasn't sure she still stayed in the same place.

"Do u still stay where you stayed in college"

"Yes.", she said with a toothy smile.

"Then I do know your address."

"Perfect, but don't tell bhaiya that I was drunk. He doesn't know I drink. Shhhhhhh."

"Okay", now the real struggle is how do I send sahika inside her house without calling Pranay. I decided to address the problem later. For now let's just reach her house first.

I derived for a few minutes, and Sahika kept talking the whole time.

I listened to her very attentively but my eyes were on the road. After a few minutes she went completely silent, at first I thought he had fallen asleep. But when I turned my head, I found her completely awake and her eyes were full of tears. She wasn't eve looking at me. She was looking outside the window.

"Hey Sahika, why are you crying?", I asked parking the car on the side of the road.

"Because I am sad."

"Why are you sad?"

"I hate this locality."

"Did something happen here?"

She looked straight at me and said, "my parents died in an accident in this locality."

Her parents died? When? Why didn't anybody tell me about it? Why didn't Raghav tell me about it? He must have known right? Kali must have told his. She tells him everything.

I keep my questions to myself; this is neither the right time nor the right place to ask her these kinds of questions.

Right now my priority is to drop Sahika home safely. But what will happen if Pranay sees us together, her in this drunk situation with her secretary at such a late hour. Does he even know she has started drinking? I doubt that, no elder brother would let her sister fall into such a dirt hole.

I need to calm Sahika, bring her down from her high. I should feed her some curd and make her drink water; these tricks always work in the movies. Maybe they will work for her as well.

So that what I did, I drove to the nearest 24/7 mart and bought curd and water for Sahika. I fed her those with my hands and then drove to her house. In just matter of 10 minutes, she looked better. Not completely normal but better.

I was happy, but I think God has some special problem with me because just as we were 5 minutes away from her house, Sahika said that she was feeling sick.

I quickly parked the car and walked to her side, opening the gate for. And I was just on time because Sahika couldn't even stand or get out of the car before she started puking in full fledge.

I comforted her and fed her dome more water before taking Sahika to her house. She lived in a two storey house. During college I used to wonder what did her father do that they lived in such a luxurious mansion. Now I know the answer.

I got her out of the car but couldn't stand straight, so I flicked one of her arms over my shoulder. I walked to the front door and took deep breadths.

I rang the doorbell and prayed to God for her brother not to open the door. To my relief, a lady opened the door and gasped when she saw us, "Sahika ma'am", her breathe stuck and her eyes moved to me.

"Hi, I am Sahika's college friend. She called me drunk so I decided to drop her off.", I lied

"Thank God her brother isn't home today. He doesn't know about her drinking habits." That brought me relief.

She helped sahika into the house and closed the door. I went home and sat on my bed. I saw my laptop and decided to call it a night and sleep. But before sleeping I did one last thing, I saved Sahika's number.


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